Zizi Sparks: Why my phone is (almost) always on do not disturb
Opinion: I already use that mode but more can be done to curb screen time.
Opinion: I already use that mode but more can be done to curb screen time.
Paul Hickey discusses level 2 changes, early Christmas shopping and parade planning.
OPINION: We mustn't let life in lockdown become too comfortable.
Opinion: This has nothing to do with religion. It only satisfies the devils within souls.
Have your say by going to rotoruadailypost.co.nz and becoming a Premium subscriber.
Opinion: Too often nowadays, decisions are made quickly and without any common sense
Opinion: Our legislation must help keep New Zealand citizens safe.
COMMENT: A new way of working is coming and Gen Zers are in the driver's seat
Opinion: I can't even think of all the things my father has taught me.
Our readers have their say
Lockdown parenting is no piece of cake - especially when you can't find flour.
Opinion: My flatmates weren't around for lockdown. Here's what I learnt in their absence.
Paul Hickey discusses vaccinations, the gift of time, Hospice funds raised and music eras.
Rotorua Daily Post readers have their say.
Opinion: The trials of working from home and homeschooling your little cherubs
Opinion: Would that we could provide sanctuary again for frantic families seeking peace.
Some people like to push their luck. Is dropping alert levels actually safe?
COMMENT: It's time to respect Lisa for what she has achieved, regardless of her siblings.
OPINION: It is amazing what you look to when you face cancer.
OPINION: Sadly, the Government has not classed throw cushions as essential items.
OPINION: It is hard to accept going back into lockdown after more than a year of freedom.
Go to rotoruadailypost.co.nz and become a Premium subscriber.
Opinion: The virus is ever-changing, our approach to eradicating it should be too.
Opinion: Getting vaccinated is more than a personal choice - it affects everyone.
Opinion: Supermarket shopping is the highlight of my week but it can be disappointing.
OPINION: Lockdown exercise rule-breakers are selfish and reckless.
OPINION: I've based my choice on what I believe will keep me, family and community safe.
Opinion: Having a fixed finish line will be a big help.