Dawn Picken: Why we should support voluntary euthanasia
Knowing we could exit on our terms would be like a hidden escape hatch.
Knowing we could exit on our terms would be like a hidden escape hatch.
Rotorua Library have created a new collection called Tiaki Tamariki – Nurturing Children.
Paul Hickey discusses Westpac Rotorua Business Awards and The Howard Morrison Quartet.
Angela Frank talks about opportunities coming up as part of Rotorua's Poetry Bomb.
COMMENT: This year has become the year of the dumpster fire
OPINION: Rotorua readers have their say.
Comment: Small sacrifices need to be made for the greater good.
OPINION: Zoe Hunter says the toll roads should stay.
COMMENT: This is hardly the behaviour of someone who wants to keep the job.
National is in a pickle with a long list of members leaving politics or being booted out .
Comment: It can be tough working out a path amid the all the planet's chaos.
Readers have their say.
Marc Spijkerbosch is the Rotorua Lakes Council community arts adviser.
Rotorua readers have their say.
COMMENT: Politicians need to shrug off the scandals and get down to real business.
Paul Hickey is the host of the locally based 9am-3pm show on The Hits Rotorua 97.5FM.
COMMENT: Local tourism operators are putting on a brave face
COMMENT: The general election is on September 19. Will young voters be heard?
Readers have their say.
Comment: Reading just as important in today's world for developing children.
Comment: The Government needs to take a hard-line approach against methamphetamine.
Comment: The time to explore New Zealand isn't over just because the holidays are.
COMMENT: Elected officials should think carefully before wielding the complaint stick.
Readers have their say.
OPINION: Readers have their say.
Readers have their say.