Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Gould: Celebrate All Blacks victories
Comment: There is no shortage of those who want to see the All Blacks fall from the top.

Letters: Legacy of growing debt should not be bragged about
Letters: a legacy of growing debt should not be bragged about

Opinion: What do you think about GLO Festival finishing at 9.30pm?
We asked members of the public what they thought about the changes to GLO.

Opinion: Don't be afraid to ask for help
It's Mental Health Awareness Week and time to encourage others to speak up.

Letters: Council needs to show us that democracy is alive
Letters: Council needs to show us that democracy is alive

Street view: What do you think about water being taken from Hamurana Springs?
We asked people what their view is on a consent granted to Ngāti Rangiwewehi.

Review: Tiki Āhua fashion show captures the imagination
The incredible talent of New Zealand's Māori designers was showcased at Tiki Ahua.

Films celebrating women who love to cycle
Mountain biking is not just for the blokes.

Street view: How do you feel about Rotorua losing its Rescue Helicopter?
The Rotorua Daily Post asked how people felt about losing Rotorua's Rescue Helicopter.

Sad farewell to Rotorua rescue chopper
We, not the Government, will be the ones living with the consequences of budget cuts.

Raukawa-Tait: Meth testing shambles deplorable
Raukawa-Tait: Housing NZ's meth testing shambles was deplorable.

Wilson: Blasey Ford is brave and impressive
Christine Blasey Ford is brave and impressive, says Tommy Wilson.

Opinion: Girls just wanna have fun
Rotorua Daily Post sports reporter David Beck runs his eye over the last week of sport.

Letters: Hamurana speed limit reduction worth it
A reader is willing to take 24 seconds longer if it saves lives

Review: High praise for Opus Orchestra concert
Hanno Fairburn gives his take on the Opus Orchestra concert on Sunday.

Opinion: There's a lake in Rotorua?
A Lakefront development will mean one of the city's greatest assets isn't missed.

Letters: We should be outraged at gang patches
A call to get tougher on gangs gains support.

Graeme Simpson: Who are the mighty Mud Maidens?
A group of local women mountain bikers devoted to raising skill levels.

Paul Little: Our health system shames us all
COMMENT: Hospitals are run down, understaffed and inadequate.

Street view: What do you think about the airport upgrade?
The Rotorua Daily Post asked people what they thought of an airport redevelopment.

Opinion: Awareness week overload
Opinion: Are Kiwis taking 'awareness weeks' too far?