Latest fromRDP - Opinion

Opinion: Only we can save ourselves and our whanau
Te Taru White shares his thoughts on social deprivation and up lifting Maori.

Letters: Mary Poppins production delights audience
Letters: Readers share their delight of the Rotorua production of Mary Poppins.

Opinion: Investment into Rotorua schools welcomed
Opinion: It's fabulous to see money being invested into upgrading Rotorua schools.

Letters: Museum should be priority in Long Term Plan
Readers discuss the Long Term Plan and new library.

Time to have your say on Rotorua's future
Opinion: Long-term plan may sound dry but it's full of interesting stuff that affects you.

Mixed reaction to refurbished Rotorua library
More readers share their thoughts on Rotorua's refurbished library and Long-Term Plan.

Letters: Library looks good but is not practical
A reader thinks the library is a showcase, but is far from practical for users.

Letters: Refurbished library fails to hit the right mark
A regular library user shares her views on the newly refurbished Rotorua Library.

Letters: Cause for concern over aquatic centre's future
Letters on alleged conflicts of interest - and the laws of physics.

Rachel Stewart: Breaking free from addictive web
COMMENT: Online technology is hugely important but too much can be detrimental.

Street View: Have you done the census this year?
Rotorua residents discuss the census for 2018.

Bryan Gould: Creating new money
The one thing that governments are never short of is money.

Letters: Rotorua Racing Club praised for safe dog-walking environment
Dog walking gets the tick, while a writer bemoans how hard it is living on wages in NZ.

Opinion: Kapa haka performers our pride and joy
Te Arawa kapa haka performers show how it's done.

Opinion: Online Census just not the same
Census information is used for many purposes and affects what services are provided.

Opinion: Wonder village opened
As a health board member I am aware of the valuable role rest homes play.

Rotorua Lakes Council Long-term Plan going out for consultation
Mayor Steve Chadwick says the council is looking forward to getting feedback.

Street View: Do you think the Soundshell should be demolished?
Rotorua residents give their thoughts on the Soundshell's fate.

Letters: Walking a dog in Rotorua is frightening
Readers share their views on dangerous dogs and unsafe bike riders.

Opinion: No pressure, Fletcher
Tabuteau will now be perceived to have more influence. With that comes expectations.

Street View: What do you think of Simon Bridges as National Party leader?
We asked people in the street what they think of the new National Party leader.

Rotokawa School students share what they love
We asked Rotokawa Intermediate students what their favourite things about the school are.

Letters: Matariki fireworks display over Guy Fawkes please
John Paul College principal Patrick Walsh wants a Matariki fireworks celebration.

Opinion: Thoughts on matters close to our hearts and minds
New Te Maori columnist Te Taru White introduces himself, his whanau and his values.

Street View: Have you seen price hikes in fruit and veges?
Rotorua residents describe prices in the fruit and vegetable aisles this summer.

Opinion: Midwife shortage needs fixing
Opinion: Something must be done to address the midwife shortage.

Letters: Kudos to 'poster women' columnists
Positive feedback from readers for columnists, art shows and Rotorua Hospital.