Tamariki prepping primary schools kapa haka regionals
Primary schools in full flight for Te Arawa competitions.
Primary schools in full flight for Te Arawa competitions.
Footprints from myriad industries brought into focus.
The quiet countryside hides the drama of the past.
Rotorua hosted the first-ever Oceania Ranger Forum which drew 180 attendees.
The Parksyde Community Centre is celebrating its 21st birthday with an open day.
Work is now under way to strip and dismantle back-country Department of Conservation huts.
OPINION: Rotorua readers have their say.
We all pay the price when it comes to inaction over alcohol-related harm.
Lake weed in Rotorua has caused issues both to local amenity and lake health.
OPINION: It's time to start measuring the impact of social investment.
Whaka 100 and Annual Tuakana Māori Rugby League Tournament converge for busy weekend.
Crystal Kaua replaces Allan Bunting, who lead the team to the title last year.
The last 28th Māori Battalion soldier has praised the mahi, but says it took too long.
Pilot: 'It felt that we were doing as much as we could but not enough for people.'
Rotorua Museum's single biggest art collection - works by a little-known Dutch painter.
Police and Fire and Emergency services were alerted to the incident this afternoon.
'All we want is for our kids to walk through life with pride. We see this here ...'
Police, Coastguard and Land Search and Rescue New Zealand are continuing the search.
A search for the man is focussed around the Mokoia Island area.
There was a little bit of something for everyone in Rotorua this weekend.
Demand is going up for KidsCan food at schools.
QE Health is celebrating the Melbourne Cup as part of a fundraising event.
Twisting and turning tracks, cheering crowds and champions - Whaka 100 is back.
OPINION: Life is a series of choices, and we do our best with them when they come along.
Drownings are already over 80 per cent of the 10-year average with two months to go.
More than two-thirds are waiting longer than the recommended or maximum timeframes.
Matenga Hapi, 24, wants to support other Māori into employment.
Dimple Digital holding Bowls and BBQ to raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters Rotorua.
Opinion: Perhaps 'extreme' protests are needed to snap us out of our cognitive dissonance.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say in Rotorua emergency housing hearings.