Election 'shambles' prompts call for inquiry
'Maybe postal voting has done its dash.'
'Maybe postal voting has done its dash.'
'Hopefully we're coming out of a difficult time but who knows with interest rates.'
No changes to preliminary election results for Rotorua Lakes Council.
A sign Government has let gun crime get out of control, or that it's taking a harder line?
"When the land and water are well – the people will be well."
Te Wharau o Iroiro, the name of the tree, was transferred to the vessel itself.
Caitie loves the creativity of being a teacher.
Our once-thriving town is a shadow of its former self - but things are looking up.
'We are all grieving for our homeland and what is happening in Ukraine is just terrible.'
State Insurance has revealed the Bay of Plenty tied first for losing and breaking phones.
"It would make a world of difference for everybody with cystic fibrosis."
Malcolm Campbell says 'it's like putting a pair of roller skates on again'.
Pupils from Aorangi and Western Heights primary schools worked to install a mural.
OPINION: It's going to take more than the swish of a magic wand to solve everything.
OPINION: Our readers have their say.
In this week's wrap: A whitewater star, rugby selections and a clash with cricket titans.
Australia, France and the UK already offer free breast cancer screening to women up to 74.
The sector gathered this week to discuss issues and solutions, including recruitment.
The rescue service carried out 30 missions in September.
West Rotorua's St Barnabas church is opening doors to worshippers on two feet or four.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
Submissions are open to have your say on proposed medium-density housing changes.
The expedition is expected to take at least 40 days.
"Compassion and mercy are the cornerstones of the teachings of Islam."
Wang has been elected to a second term, preliminary results show.
But, as of Sunday, Rotorua has seen an increase of voter turnout in this year's election.
Analysis: Rotorua will be looking to its new mayor to find solutions - and fast.
OPINION: In memory of Kathy, please get checked for breast cancer this month.
Rotorua's representatives on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council have been re-elected.