Reported truck on fire a false alarm, vehicle located
Police have been called to a truck fire on SH30 this evening.
Police have been called to a truck fire on SH30 this evening.
The last surplus was $600,000 in August 2021.
Police respond to report of swerving vehicle in Edgecumbe.
OPINION: There's no quick fix, and parents are not failing.
Subscribers have their say.
Stacey Rose says he will have better time management from the South Island.
One resident described how a 'dirty river had run through the whole house'.
The reserves were originally considered for 'temporary' housing.
Our readers have their say.
The regional council wanted to show the impact populations had on farmers.
Locals can have their say on about controversial contracted emergency housing motels.
Data details Ministry staff viewing court documents without justified reasons.
OPINION: US, just do something - anything - to stop the massacres.
Fire fighters extricated two people trapped inside vehicles following the crash.
Rainfall of up to 40mm an hour is forecast in Northland this evening.
Chronic Fatigue patients say long Covid patients could benefit from their experiences.
In the past 12 months the average Bachcare owner income per booking was $663 in Rotorua.
Landlords have been punished for having tenants in unsafe units.
One school had more than 40 absences this week, another had 20 per cent of kids away.
Selling Rotorua's reserves for housing has been discussed for at least eight months.
The Rotorua Daily Post will defend its title of Regional Newspaper of the Year.
After nine years of training four local teens have scored the opportunity of a lifetime.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
Rotorua MTBC's new van for the First Response Unit has been in use for about three weeks.
Hank Buissink wants to use his talent for leadlight artwork to help animals in Ukraine.
The Bay Cities' Symphonic Band is visiting Rotorua and will perform at St Luke's Church
Shop owners say they appreciate any help but for some it is too late.
One taxi driver of 10 years says he may have to look for another job by the end of 2022.
Te Maiora Rurehe believes it is his destiny to guide and help whanau through the law.