Homeless now 'carefully screened' to ensure Rotorua links, council boss says
The CEO said a change came with the signing of the Rotorua Housing Accord in December.
The CEO said a change came with the signing of the Rotorua Housing Accord in December.
Meet people growing their own food - and learn how you can too.
The Aussies are bringing a strong contingent to the Rotorua track.
The newsroom has three nominations in this year's Voyager Media Awards.
Free getaway packages to Rotorua offered to those impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Rotorua’s House of Science branch putting the call out for more volunteers and sponsors.
Other countries have moved on, and so should we, writes Luke Kirkness.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say on the brain drain.
Lindfield Football Club from Sydney will take on local powerhouse Lakes FC.
Early travellers thought Rungateranga was full of kumara.
Adored Rotorua man Tony Gill has been farewelled by family and friends.
But the mayor hits back, saying there is no evidence of how it would be a fair deal.
Police were notified of a burglary at a dairy on Ranolf St shortly before 3am.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
Writer Dawn Picken lost her public battle with liver disease in December.
Young people relish the chance to develop acting skills.
Locals speak out two months after conditions were tightened.
The Labour Party has announced its candidate after Tāmati Coffey announced his retirement.
Hundreds turned out to pay their respects.
OPINION: Rotorua readers have their say.
OPINION: It concerns me these future industry leaders could think such antics are okay.
Dedicated volunteers work behind the scenes to further the club's legacy.
The Toi Ohomai Waipā closure will not affect students - courses continue 'as usual'.
Some people are getting into debt to pay for the basics.
The ticketed event was cancelled last-minute in February.
Opinion: We need to mitigate the predicted increase in family violence incidences.
Taupō is one of just two Waikato districts to record positive property price growth.
OPINION: There's no quick fix to get people to stay in New Zealand.