Man appealing rape conviction says he has 'sexsomnia'
Man claims he didn't know he was having sex in his sleep.
Man claims he didn't know he was having sex in his sleep.
Two people were killed and 16 seriously injured along stretch of road in four years.
The approval indirectly means potentially 86 houses could be built in the area.
The expansion has been an aspiration for the club for over a decade.
WorkSafe was making initial inquiries.
OPINION: Premium subscribers have their say.
1600 paddlers. 163 races. Four days.
The possibility is part of a potential joint plan with a sports club.
The three-day conference looking at the state of Māori housing starts today.
This week's Hākinakina iwi Kāinga – Community Sport Edition.
More than 1600 paddlers have descended on Rotorua.
The hospitality sector is struggling to attract staff and employers are suffering.
'The need is way greater than the actual capacity to service that need'.
The school's new Judy Morris Playground was officially opened and blessed last Friday.
A man accused of burning a Ngongotahā home has appeared in court.
Scion is holding a 4D printing interactive workshop at Rotorua Library on April 12.
Moetū Kaitai was high when she fatally shot Kalvin Kana after a confrontation.
This may have been Emil Johansson's most technical run yet.
Exactly three years ago, the country went into lockdown.
OPINION: We’ve learned a lot about ourselves over the past three years.
The council, however, may yet play host.
Though salaries are up, many sectors are asking where the workers have gone.
Health warnings for cyanobacteria also remain in place at Lake Maraetai and Lake Rotoehu.
The Matariki Dish Challenge will run for five weeks over Matariki.
The 28-year-old was shot inside a vehicle as it travelled on State Highway 33.
Shaun and Alia Branson have taken their passion for BBQ to a higher level.
"Coming to Crankworx is important."
OPINION: Hands up if you’re feeling the pinch of the cost of living.
The Waiariki Women’s Refuge is trying to raise $50,000 for its operations.
The setting might be Lower Manhattan but the lifestyle is similar.