Pain at the pump: 'Never been a better time to live outside Auckland'
Comment: Fueling up in the City of Sails proves a eye-opening experience.
Comment: Fueling up in the City of Sails proves a eye-opening experience.
Three men have been rescued after their boat capsized south of Tauranga.
Majestic Princess made the first of her 13 scheduled visits to Tauranga this season.
Clark says Rotorua will be well-service by rescue choppers based elsewhere.
Residents say they understand that the science. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The Jacksons, Kool and the Gang, Village People to perform at Mount Maunganui.
Tauranga police are looking for a man considered to be dangerous after a serious assault.
Three men have admitted attempting to dig up a body - an order by gang members
A Givealittle page has been created and neighbours and friends are seeking donations.
The two people killed in a crash on SH2 last week have today been named.
Police are looking for a man considered to be dangerous after "a serious assault".
Police confirmed the crash is a "double fatal" but could not provide more information.
A new campground facility has been announced for One Love 2019.
This district has topped the list since it began in 2014 and easily outstrips Auckland.
A police netball squad put on a special move for the driver of a stalled car.
The forestry industry and KiwiRail are winners in the Provincial Growth Fund.
A total 275 more public housing places are planned for the Bay of Plenty by 2022
Toi Ohomai plans to have one slow charger and one fast charger at each campus.
Learning support specialists are the latest NZEI members to take strike action.
Okurrr, hip hop superstar Cardi B announces NZ concerts.
Police are calling for help to help track down a man who escaped the Auckland court.
The development is proposed for 4 Emerald Shores Dr.
The project was one of 19 granted funding by Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods.
NZ First deputy leader referred to Wally Haumaha as whānau in maiden speech to Parliament.
The road would remain closed until further assessment was possible during daylight.
Sixteen children and two adults came to grief in the Motu River 118 years ago today.
The regional council's representation review shows an emerging urban/rural split.
About 80 entries are expected to compete at Fagans Valley circuit.
Police attend crash in Paengaroa after logging truck hit a cow on the highway