Rural Life, Health & Wellbeing

Winter is the perfect time to grow your gardening knowledge
Opinion: Time to curl up by the fire with a good pile of gardening books by your side.

Northern Ireland to the North Island: A well-travelled tractor
Stanley Wilson's 33-year-old 3080 is still in regular use.

How Justine Daw has helped farmers to fence 900km
KMR is NZ's largest harbour restoration initiative and second-largest catchment group.

Thistles a 'menace to conservation' in 1948
“If this goes on, in 10 years there will be 100,000 acres devoted to thistle."

'All we knew was avocado on toast': City couple's orchard adventure
Couple flipped their lives from corporate city dwellers to hands-on avocado orchardists.
Lifestyle news from around NZ

Mince on toast: Why this comfort classic is Kiwi as
Where did it come from and what makes it so enduring?

Breaking up with beauty clutter: The case for a less-is-more routine
If beauty products are overwhelming your bathroom, it might be time for a purge.

Football Fern Hannah’s pitch-perfect proposal
Hannah Wilkinson and Katie Martin met on Instagram – now they're planning their wedding.
More Rural Life, Health & Wellbeing

'Beautifully organic' commune still going strong after 50 years
Several families share the land and help run a small farm to benefit the whole community.

Farm systems specialists hit the road
Matt Dalley and Wade Bell are the hosts of the Feed for Thought podcast.

'Artificially coloured': Faking show sheep in 1911
If a sheep was not shown in its natural colour "it was not worthy of being shown at all".

Tala's flower business blooms after leaving corporate world
How a lockdown epiphany turned a furniture retail manager into a flower grower.

'Lucky escape': The perils of wool transport in 1948
"The truck, travelling at a slow speed, failed to balance and completely capsized."

Waikato farmer cautiously optimistic about visa rule changes
“It’s not a game-changer, but is going in the right direction."