Shane Reti: Public won't like it if Three Waters legislation is rushed through
MP Shane Reti has concerns over the haste of the Three Waters legislation.
MP Shane Reti has concerns over the haste of the Three Waters legislation.
Opinion: What's in a name? Can a nut be milked? Should I care?
The emissions tax will have the wrong effect, says Helen Craig
OPINION: Climate change meeting No 27 will lead to nothing.
Opinion: Govt’s response to HWEN proposals results in misunderstanding, muddle and misery.
The past two years have been the most divisive of my lifetime, writes Jamie Mackay.
Opinion: Tāne’s Tree Trust on his hard work to build national support for native forests.
Opinion: Perhaps 'extreme' protests are needed to snap us out of our cognitive dissonance.
Opinion: The rural sector has become dangerously polarised in New Zealand.
The obvious solution is to go back to where this all started.
The new farm emissions plan doesn't satisfy anything, but that doesn't make it right.
Those who are struggling to fill their pantry will suffer the increased prices most.
OPINION: Surely we can all see the climate is causing chaos in New Zealand.
OPINION: 'Do farmers get any credit? Not a word. What do you really want, New Zealand?'
Despite current concerns, the long-term outlook for the forestry industry looks solid.
I'm not buying the Government's big sell job on this plan, writes John MacDonald.
Opinion: Confirmation bias is a big hurdle for myth-busting scientists to overcome.
Opinion: He Waka Eke Noa programme director says it's time to separate fact from fiction.
Opinion: He Waka Eke Noa is completely unacceptable in its current form.
Opinion: Will He Waka Eke Noa turn rural New Zealanders into Ewoks?
OPINION: The Country's executive producer is saddened by Te Wiki o te Reo Māori backlash.
Opinion: Govt should leave winter grazing and FWFP to the experts - farmers.
Opinion: Not excluding exotic species in ETS permanent forest category is a big mistake
The outlook for the Chinese construction sector is about as rosy as Rotorua's motel strip
Opinion: UK author George Monbiot is wrong about the impact of our meat-loving diet.
OPINION: Local roads, state highways, rural roads; none are spared the scouring forces.
OPINION: 'Climate Change Commission must not become an echo chamber for prophets of doom.'
OPINION: A jet setting Jacinda Ardern is clocking up the kilometres and trade deals.
The sector's performance throughout the pandemic has helped to keep the economy growing.
OPINION: Conflicts between nuclear-armed powers a concern in multiple parts of the world.