Mark Lister: What 2025 could hold for the NZ dollar's fortunes
OPINON: Whether a stronger currency is good or not depends on your perspective.
OPINON: Whether a stronger currency is good or not depends on your perspective.
Opinion: With the warmer weather looming, it's time to get your soil well-fed.
OPINION: Strong trade relationships are vital to his co-op’s success.
OPINION: Watching the new growth appear is nature at its best.
OPINION: NZ must sort out domestic education to ensure a supply for the workforce.
Opinion: Cecil Gordon Lee's war photos resurface, revealing his role with bullocks in WWI.
Sponsored content: Opinion - log and lamb prices have a lot in common this month.
Opinion: Broccoli is easy to grow, and growing your own seedlings is simple.
Opinion: It was a bit of unconventional animal husbandry. Some might even think a bit mad!
Opinion: Supermarkets have borne the brunt of complaints about margins and profits.
Opinion: There's so much to see at the Fiordland Vintage Machinery Museum.
OPINION: Kem Ormond has some sage advice about herb choices.
OPINION: Urgent call for Wellington to lead control of pine expansion.
Opinion: Yearlings are often aged between 12 and 18 months.
The group received $300,000 funding following Cyclone Gabrielle
Opinion: Spinach can be shared with friends and neighbours, or even your chooks.
Opinion: Yards that are fit for purpose are a pleasure to work in.
Sponsored content: The history of agriculture is a story of innovation and revolution.
Opinion: Spring, Red, Brown or shallots, we are talking onions this week.
OPINION: This vintage tractor museum will put Thornbury on the map.
OPINION: Quarter three started with August prices down about $4/cu m from July.
Opinion: Florence fennel is flavoursome but sometimes frowned upon.
OPINION: NZ has finally come out of scientific hibernation and into the real world.
Opinion: Most people in New Zealand know that farming is important for the economy.
OPINION: NZ is running out of gas. That’s good for the climate, but bad for the economy.
OPINION: Is there room for both traditional and new and novel proteins?
Opinion: I love seeing friends leaving with their jars of beetroot.
Opnion: I can remember seeing veal in the local butcher shop window when I was young.
OPINION: Yep, the humans took the wrong ewe and her twins.
Opinion: Do you say "pass" to parsnips or are they a fave?