Latest fromTCN - Opinion

Comment: A love letter to weather
We talk about you a lot and stress about you because you control everything we do.

Jamie Mackay: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of 2018
Comment: The Country's Jamie Mackay takes a look at the rural highs and lows of 2018.

Opinion: Conservation order is rife with uncertainties
Comment: Fed Farmers opposes Ngaruroro Water Conservation Order.

Opinion: Christmastime forecast looking good in Otago
Christmas fishing is looking good in the South island for anglers.

Federated Farmers: 'Tis the season to be pragmatic
A bit of honesty with your loved ones will go a long way at Christmas

Opinion: Have your say on education
Comment: Feds encourage rural people to take part in consultation around education.

Opinion: Making gains on water in Bay of Plenty
Comment: Water is good for farming and farming is good for the Bay of Plenty.

Opinion: NZ's appalling anti-1080 fanatics
Comment: No matter how strongly these abusers feel, this can never be justified.

Act now to save the seeds of NZ's future
Selling PGG Wrightson's "crown jewels" is an asset strip of the NZ rural services firm.

Opinion: Collaboration will get you everywhere
Comment: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

Federated Farmers: A tough year for farmers
Its been a hard year for farmers, writes Jim Galloway.

John Vujcich: Tracking animals with NAIT important
Comment: Traceability of animals is crucial to keeping our stock healthy.

Opinion: Climate change debate is heating up
Comment: Fighting climate change is about farming smarter, not simply farming less.

Opinion: Don Fraser says 'Just Do It'
Comment: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today says Don Fraser.

Stuart Nash: Port ownership v environment
Can locals afford rates increases for the port expansion?

Opinion: Good on-farm accommodation will attract great workers
Comment: You should provide the same level of comfort to workers as your own family.

Opinion: What tourism and forestry can learn from farmers
Comment: 'Boom' industries can learn from what the farming sectors have been through.

Pest season in the vege garden
I came across evidence of a long-lost attempt at civilisation.

Sewage contaminates pond, swim leg of race cancelled
If farmers have to improve water quality, then so do councils, writes Rhea Dasent.

Federated Farmers: Let's be open with each other
Open days on farms give us an opportunity to learn from each other, writes Darryl Jensen.

Ricks Beef: Opportunities for hill country farmers
Putting the right trees in the right place can make all the difference for farmers.

We will never forget the Boumas
We are as a community a case study for how to get through collective trauma and grief.

Editorial: Shane Jones should not be Santa Claus
Shane Jones has given a cheap loan to a dairy co-op that did not need it.

Editorial: Trade truce relief for US farmers
EDITORIAL: Suspension of the US-China trade war is a relief of American farmers.

Federated Farmers: Good intentions with NAIT scheme
Farmers need to use NAIT in order to track mycoplasma bovis through the land.

David Cormack: The great climate change swindle
COMMENT: Climate change is our nuclear free moment! Or is it?

Talking Point: Is the plan to cosy up Napier Port with Tauranga?
COMMENT: Are options for Napier Port's future leaning toward a merger with Tauranga?