Are rural school pet days still a thing?
OPINION: I remember the annual school pet day with much fondness.
OPINION: I remember the annual school pet day with much fondness.
Opinion: The rural sector needs to put its best Red Band forward and take on the hosting.
OPINION: Sometimes we forget we are part of nature.
OPINION: Farmers are telling me how difficult it is to find the staff they need.
Opinion: Farmers in Northland are feeling exhausted after the challenges of 2023.
Recent water woes in Woodville and Queenstown are issues rural residents regularly face.
OPINION: We are too small for Indian politicians to expend political capital on.
Parasite seen in sheep, goats and alpaca.
OPINION: Few reviews give insights that farmers can use.
OPINION: Dr Rowarth, a vegetarian for nearly 50 years, on the benefits of red meat.
OPINION: Sharp focus on methane reduction will help cultivate agriculture sector's future.
OPINION: Farmers are literally making hay while the sun shines.
Vets will soon start testing facial eczema spore counts on monitor farms.
OPINION: The Country host takes a look back at the highs and lows of 2023.
OPINION: PEM is a neurological disease that affects ruminants: cattle, sheep and goats.
Opinion: Restraint the focus for the New Year; whether in food, fuel or general lifestyle.
OPINION: Sufficient progress in New Delhi is needed to justify irritating Beijing.
Opinion: Water and climate reports are plentiful at the moment.
It's been a busy time for the local Federated Farmers executive.
Smith is a North Otago farmer, environmentalist and co-chair of Methane Science Accord.
Opinion: HortNZ is encouraged by new Govt’s promise to increase number of RSE places.
Climate change is causing increasingly frequent and severe weather events.
OPINION: Gabrielle then wouldn't have caused as much damage in CHB, Tim Gilbertson argues.
We need to stop treating our Pasifika whānau as cheap labour at our beck and call.
Opinion: Glenn Dwight says big is better.
Opinion: Calculating scope 3 emissions helps to unearth "laundered nitrogen".
Opinion: Manawatū farmer knows all about RCD - and CPR.
Opinion: Te Pūkenga about creating something new, not “trying to maintain what we have”.
Opinion: Getting the process wrong can be very costly for the employer.