Budget fires election opening salvoes
Hard to argue with Budget focus on public services, social investment, infrastructure
Hard to argue with Budget focus on public services, social investment, infrastructure
Anti-farming hype is wearing thin, writes William Rolleston
Village's oldest continuous business survives despite stiff competition
In March, the Government commenced a review of the Plant Variety Rights Act (1987) (PVR).
Whanganui District Council's proposed levy on rural property owners has raised hackles.
Across the industry we are celebrating our biggest season ever - in both value and volume.
An Otago Regional Councillor objects to the use of the phrase 'Gypsy Day'.
I experienced the turning of a tide last Friday. A catalyst for a different tomorrow.
There has been a lot said about Te Ture Whenua Maori Bill recently.
Councillor could not stomach smug penny-pinching then chowing down on free lunch.
COMMENT: Pre-employment drug tests are needlessly barring some young Kiwis from jobs.
Jamie Mackay eagerly awaits the unveiling of the Sir Colin Meads statue in Te Kuiti.
For some time we have heard heaps of opinions about our water quality.
The theological observer suspects history may be unkind to the Romans.
There's a fair chance D (for dam) day is about to be postponed.
Who are the real beneficiaries of the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme.
Comment: Dom George delves into history to put a cold day into perspective
EDITORIAL: Public calls for a royalty on bottled water will not go away.
For many farmers, 'compliance' is a word that evokes negative images
Water Accord proves dairy farmers are 'walking their environmental talk' says Alister Body
Northland has suffered two serious foreign invasions in two weeks.
Winston Peters is unhappy with communication from Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy.
Regional ratepayers will spend $80 million on the dam to directly benefit 200 CHB farmers.
COMMENT: Change needs to be evolutionary to give time to new initiatives to bed in.
COMMENT: Quantity over quality will turn round to bite tourism industry.
There is still no sign of an apology from the regional council for its failings
As a country with strong rural roots, it seems odd people can be so ignorant.
With regional councils more often than not you pay through the nose to deal with dropkicks
Dr Tim Mackle reacts to the Sustainable Dairying: Water Accord report released today.