Marnie Prickett: Farming is breaking our green basket
Two damning reports on farming greeted by Government silence, says green campaigner.
Two damning reports on farming greeted by Government silence, says green campaigner.
Farming is improving its products to meet environmental and nutritional demands.
The Future of Farming was the focus of a day seminar in Carterton, Wairarapa.
People in Kapiti and Horowhenua often tell me that planning rules are too bureaucratic.
Freshwater is one of New Zealand's key strategic assets.
Smith needs to explain how his fences can cover an area 18x longer than Trump's wall
The most important decision in a generation.
We waited for Cookie Monster. We got Fozzie Bear. Was Cyclone Cook overhyped?
Crutching muddy ewes in winter? "No thank you!" says Jamie Mackay.
Positives are emerging from a year many would like to forget
John Clarke had two tilts at greatness - as the amiable yet shrewd Fred Dagg and himself.
COMMENT: John Clarke's genius was what made him distinct, writes Rachel Stewart.
Sadly comedian John Clarke is not coming "back Friday", but he has left an immense legacy.
COMMENT: The Government is changing the way it makes decisions on trade.
It's neither safe for myself nor society at large to be entirely free of work commitments
COMMENT: At the moment Winston Peters is a little more than an irritant for PM contenders.
Porangahau woman Katie Kenyon wrote this letter to Prime Minster Bill English.
Any commercial operation turning water into money should expect to have to pay.
Peter Beaven chastises Hastings councillors for agreeing to provide land for housing.
Wetlands are some of our rarest and most at-risk ecosystems.
Pest bird proves you don't have to be popular to win awards writes Dom George.
There was plenty on offer to bolster the trade between our two countries.
The GM debate is heating up in Hawke's Bay, writes Chris Perley.
Jamie Mackay loves modern technology. So why does he yearn for the simplicity of 1950?
Hawkes Bay has the good fortune to be the greatest place on earth to grow many crops.
COMMENT: If we are charging for water, farmers probably should pay for it, too.
Hawke's Bay featured in Television One's Sunday programme last week.
NZ Rugby' campaign to break down barriers around public perceptions of mental health.