Latest fromAsia

Top five destinations in Taipei
From street food to museums, we've got the Taiwan highlights covered.

South Korea: Get down in Gangnam
This posh Seoul suburb is a hub of luxury and excess, discovers Sharon Stephenson.

Japan: Perfectly-formed Takayama
Got Tokyo fatigue? The beautifully preserved Edo town of Takayama is the perfect salve, and just a short train ride away. Sit on the right and hope for clear skies to get a good view of Fuji.

Hussein Rawlings: Keep NZ land in NZ hands
Racism is no part of the issue, writes Hussein Rawlings. Nor should we fear the accusation of "protectionism". Are Indonesia, China, or Thailand challenged on their land ownership laws?

Workers blame KiwiRail for lost hours
Sixty-four Dunedin manufacturing workers will have their working week reduced by a day, following KiwiRail's decision to award a manufacturing tender offshore.

Scare makes headlines across Asia
Fonterra's dairy product recall made headlines worldwide, as New Zealand's export markets react to reports of the botulism scare.

Japan: Calm in a ceremonial teacup
My first tea ceremony took place in the world's oldest hotel, Japan's Honshi Ryokan.

Thailand: Bangkok fighting
An inspired Kelly Lynch finds tension and excitement ringside in Bangkok.

North Korea: Entry into guarded territory
As a journalist, Chris Pritchard found he had to use subterfuge to travel to North Korea.

Vietnam: The beauty of Sapa
The rice terraces set amid the swirling clouds around the Vietnamese hill station of Sapa are truly eye watering.