Latest fromAsia

On a high in Uzbekistan
After seeing life at street level, Jim Eagles climbs a precarious minaret in Khiva for a bird's eye view of the town.

Ask Lonely Planet: Month required for Trans-Siberian taster
Advice on tackling the epic 7865km Trans-Siberian route... and learning a little Mongolian.

South-East Asia on a 1975 guide book
Travelling with the original Lonely Planet as a guide, writer Brian Thacker finds what's changed in 35 years.

The day the nightmare scenario came true
Ed Vulliamy was only 20 blocks away when the twin towers were attacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001. Here, in this highly personal account, he recalls those devastating first moments and the eerie days that followed.

A shining new showcase for New Zealand art
As Auckland Art Gallery reopens its doors today, Linda Herrick walks through its marvellous collection of New Zealand art.

China: Kashgar's old quarter
The traditional ways hold sway in one small corner of the north-west's bustling capital - for now, writes Jim Eagles.

Nick Smith: Exports key to architect's growth
Designer with a focus on retailing is finding receptive markets in Australia and beyond