Latest fromAsia

Being bolshie deserves poo penalty
The Amazing Race should introduce penalty points for disrespect and obnoxious behaviour, says Scott Kara.

<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Should May Wang be allowed to buy NZ's dairy farms?
Kiwis concerned about NZ farms being sold to foreign investors have no one to blame but themselves, writes Bernard Hickey.

Amazing x-ray shows gamer's lucky escape
An x-ray illustrates in shocking detail how a Chinese boy was stabbed through the head after a row over a video game.

UK 'ran renegade torture unit in Iraq'
Fresh evidence has emerged that British military intelligence ran a secret operation in Iraq which authorised degrading and unlawful treatment of prisoners.

Japanese media express frustration at NZ activist
Japanese media have expressed frustration at a NZ activist's anti-whaling protests, with one top newspaper accusing him of terrorism.

More horror sites set to be added to busy tourism trail
The place where the body of Pol Pot, the former Khmer Rouge leader, was unceremoniously burned in a pile of rubbish is set to be the latest location from Cambodia's dark recent history to be transformed into a tourist spot.

NZ group to jetski from London to Auckland
A group of six New Zealanders will this year attempt to jet-ski from London to Auckland, via Sydney.

Vote guarantees Indian women slice of political power
Indian politicians yesterday took a step towards making history.

Women students demand action over pay gap survey
Women students are demanding government action after a survey showed men with the same tertiary qualifications start earning more after one year.