Latest fromAsia

India's Kumbh Mela and Magh Mela festivals
Thousands gather to take an icy dip in the Ganges River during festivals aimed at cleansing sin.

Ganges braced for 60 million bathing pilgrims
Authorities have urged people to avoid dirtying the Ganges - India's most sacred river, yet one of its most heavily polluted.

Three-year case of hiccups finally solved
Musician finds relief after undergoing life-threatening surgery to remove a brain tumour, which doctors believe had been causing the problem.

Taliban make 'undetectable' bombs out of wood
Taliban fighters have developed a deadly new generation of their most lethal weapon, the improvised explosive device, or IED, which is almost undetectable because it has no metal or electronic parts, military experts said last week.

Gere backs vegetarian zone at site of enlightenment
Richard Gere has thrown his support behind a plan to transform the site of Buddha's enlightenment into a vegetarian zone to spread the message of peace.

Wrecked boat's crew fight on
The NZ anti-whaling vessel half-destroyed when it and a Japanese whaling harpoon ship collided is too damaged to be salvaged.