Turtles strand more in Northland than anywhere else in NZ, says DoC
Ten of 19 turtles stranded in Far North survive to be released back into ocean
Ten of 19 turtles stranded in Far North survive to be released back into ocean
After 5 years and $17 million Kaitāia gets Sweetwater from aquifer
The Sea Eagle failed biosecurity standards twice and is undergoing more cleaning today.
News snippets from the Far North
Chucks Cove Maritime Experience has a container shipload of exhibits.
Far North's Te Kao and Waimamaku communities to get green power to aid development.
$300,000-plus funds 12 Far North-specific climate resilience projects.
After several false starts Kaitāia to get Sweetwater into taps
Local businesses say they still have something special to offer customers.
Whangaroa hapū's successful anti-mining opposition praised
News snippets from the Far North.
Kaitāia residents to soon get water from controversial Sweetwaters project.
Plenty of classic cars and bikes at Waipu Car and Bike Show.
A dawn ceremony at Te Whare Rūnanga Marae started the day.
Kaitāia's Juan and Rachel Heemi are developing former backpackers into accommodation
News briefs from the Far North - edible gardens, highway work and faulty lifejackets
Far North country life on display at 137th Kaitāia A&P Show
Party time for Whangaroa hapū as mining plans shelved
Upgrade will permit the construction of new homes.
Northland gets farewell fly over from NZ's retiring workhorse Hercules planes
Students at Peria School in Far North lauded at prizegiving
Waitangi Day to be fine in the Far North with plenty of sun
News snippets from the Far North.
An international hotel chain is staying mum on its Whangārei hotel plans – it has to.
Flying like a bird sees Far North man win national hang gliding title
The killer is currently in prison for fatally stabbing the victim during a night out.
New snippets from the Far North
Despite heavy rain, Mangamuka Gorge repairs in Far North survive first big storm
After two false starts, water from Sweetwater Aquifer is set to flow into Kaitāia homes.
Far North Energy Wellness Fund putting thermal curtains into homes to make them warmer.