Far North news in brief: Highway sealing, gun seized and reading ambassador wanted
News snippets from the Far North.
News snippets from the Far North.
Mooring piracy has been an issue for boaties in Northland this summer.
The items were meant to help raise funds for a Labour Weekend tournament.
"To take what he gave us is like taking from him."
Maitai Bay rāhui sees sealife return to the Far North bay.
Far North's famous loos only Northland finalist in national competition.
Ruby Smith needs to raise up to $70,000 for advanced cancer treatment in Japan.
Around 9000 a month using Kaitāia’s Te Hiku Sports Centre.
District councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira leads Northland's waka ama champs assault.
Ranger Bevan Morgan found the kiwi unconscious on January 11.
Mangamuka Gorge reopening delights Far North businesses as visitors pour in.
Northland's had a hot, dry summer - what does that mean for kiwi?
Daniels heading for rematch with tough Tongan.
News snippets from the Far North
The council is seeking the public's help after $2000 worth of damage was inflicted.
Volunteers wanted to keep Waitangi Day commemorations clean in Bay of Islands
Far North under fire and water restrictions
Top Energy's solution prevents lines being wiped out by birds' swansong.
Catch up on what's currently happening around the region.
A child charity saved Nuk Korako's family being split up, he's now raising funds for it
Northland's Mea Motu fights for multiple world boxing titles in NZ first.
The annual tramp in the Far North is not for beginners.
Plans to boost Northland's power network after pylon collapse.
News snippets from the Far North.
Far North's unique Tractor Spectacular motors into bay
Vineyard and winery sold after spectre of subdivision loomed.
A glimpse into some of Northland's most luxurious stays
Holidaying in the Bay of Islands helps us 'look ahead with clarity and excitement'.
Thieves have hampered the efforts of a charity food growing initiative visiting Northland
There's so much for locals and visitors to see and do on Urupukapuka Island