Parts of Northland 3 days away from running out of water
With no rain in sight, blunt message is: "Save any water you can."
With no rain in sight, blunt message is: "Save any water you can."
The company was lead contractor in the redevelopment of Northland College.
Some aren't happy with the increase, others say it is necessary.
A Whangārei couple recently unearthed a nearly intact human skeleton at a Russell beach.
The day started with a dawn ceremony followed by breakfast served by the Prime Minister.
Thousands of people gathered at Waitangi.
Well over 1000 people attended the dawn opening of Te Rau Aroha, Waitangi's newest museum.
Museum inspired by famous speech 'The price of citizenship' by Sir Apirana Ngata in 1940.
A commitment to Māori education was welcomed at a Government announcement in Kerikeri.
A pregnant woman has been traumatised after being robbed at her family vegetable stall.
Statue based on iconic photo of Dame Whina Cooper and mokopuna starting 1975 Land March.
Four men charged in relation to Northland cannabis bust appear in court.
Ruakākā Beach was considered by the tournament organiser as the best he had seen.
The diver was found dead at 1.20pm off the coast of Taiharuru.
Ruakākā local Roger Hall has been surfing together with his dog Taz for nearly two years.
Law required candidates to declare expenses, however small, by December 13 last year.
Landowner told block of land would be used to grow produce to supply restaurants.
Trust also plans a multi-day walk from Cape Brett to Russell Forest via Elliot Bay.
Catching a marlin doesn't come around very often and should be celebrated.
Drone footage shows boats chasing pod and driving at speed over top of an orca.
A school principal says to parents: "You know your child best."
A woman has been rescued off rocks in the Hokianga by an off-duty police officer.
Tangiteroria Sports Complex in Northland destroyed by early morning fire
The public are urged to call 0800 SEE ORCA if they see the injured orca.
Lifeguards take skills on the road; check on the winning Lotto numbers.
The last black marlin that size caught in the Bay of Islands area was over a decade ago.
The centre is the only Montessori school in Northland.
Northland man caught with too many paua, nearly all of which were undersize.
''People don't know anything about it, so they can't judge me.''