Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

Brent Sheather: Reviewing the Financial Advisors Act
Over the next two years the government and its agents will be reviewing the Financial Advisors Act 2008 (FAA).

Inside Money: Reserve Bank issues speed warning on money
Changes to the country's payment system have been profound and New Zealand moves closer to a cashless society, says the Reserve Bank.

Graham McGregor: The value of focussing on a niche
Graham McGregor shares insights from business expert Michael Katz about focussing on a niche in your marketing.

Your Money: At what age do Kiwi workers earn the most?
It's good news if you're in your 30s but not so good if you're over 50 according to earnings data from Statistics New Zealand.

Get Sorted: Respect for hip hop elders
The film Hip Hop-eration pushes perceptions of retirement in the right direction.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: How to improve cash flow this January
Accounting is an essential component of every business so it's time to start investigating using online accounting software.

Diana Clement: Read fine print on supermarket insurance
'Did you see that Countdown is selling insurance?" a friend emailed last week. My initial response was: "There's nothing new in that."

Juha Saarinen: Break the banhammer and cyber-security
Tech blogger Juha Saarinen raises questions about the chief censor eyeing Slingshot over access to unclassified material.

Stock Takes: Our IPO winners and losers
It's shaping up to be another bumper year for the NZ sharemarket, with the NZX 50 up more than 14pc and trading at record levels.

John Drinnan: Networks wage reality TV war
TVNZ and MediaWorks programme launches over the past fortnight have set the scene for reality TV clashes next year, writes John Drinnan.

Jock Anderson's Caseload: Name of top jailing judge kept secret
Jock Anderson is questioning why the identity of the NZ judge with the highest rate of jailing drink drivers will not be revealed.

Brian Fallow: Thrifty Germans urged to spend
Germany has come to be seen as the miser among major economic powers, saving too much of its enviable income and spending too little. Germans, naturally, do not see it that way.

Brian Rudman: Loyalty's reward? Ankle bracelets
If I were running Mercury, I'd regard people like myself as perfect customers, writes Brian Rudman.

Fran O'Sullivan: Flexibility needed for trade pacts
Here's the challenge for Prime Minister and Tourism Minister John Key when he hosts President Xi Jinping in New Zealand next week.

Inside Money: Passive funds increase share of top 500 universe
No NZ-based funds make the Towers Watson 500 largest asset managers but Fisher Funds, with about US$4.5b under management is close.

Get Sorted: Be ready to bounce back
As we all build our own financial houses and get them in order, they need to be resilient when things happen.

Nick McDonald: Chicago derivatives industry report
What we can learn from our experienced counterparts in the US about futures and options trading.

Liam Dann: Great escape yes, but inflation not all bad
New Zealand has had a lucky break. We have come through a phase of rapid economic growth without generating any serious spike in inflation.

Bernard Hickey: Investor landlords need curbing
It's time the Reserve Bank found a way to rein in New Zealand's biggest landlords, writes Bernard Hickey.

Diana Clement: Focus on what you need to cut spending
I've failed. It would appear that personal finance journalists' budgets are a bit like builders' houses. Never quite sorted out.

Brian Gaynor: Fletcher Building following a flawed strategy
October was a crazy month for financial markets.

Mary Holm: Nerve needed to cope with crashes
Gosh, that was a baptism by fire. I remember the day, in the aftermath of the October 1987 crash, when the Brierley share price dropped below $2 - down from more than $5 just a few weeks before.

Inside Money: NZ Super change to excite local share managers
NZ Super has taken direct control of the almost $260m in local equities formerly managed on its behalf by AMP Capital.

Juha Saarinen: Return of SIM locking shackles NZ to the past
Having a mobile phone account in New Zealand has become quite a bit less of a hassle than it was just a few years ago.

Fran O'Sullivan: Groser will walk a tightrope in Beijing
Heightened tensions between the world's two superpowers will test the diplomatic skills of Trade Minister Tim Groser who arrives in Beijing before John Key for the formal Apec leaders meeting.

Robyn Pearce: Building a habit of completion
Strategies to help you commit to finishing tasks and avoid interrupting the flow of your activities.