Peter Bromhead: The Screws of the World
While not shedding any tears over the demise of the News of the World, I am still sorry to see a historic newspaper ruthlessly executed by the "Dirty Digger" - as Private Eye aptly describes Rupert Murdoch.
While not shedding any tears over the demise of the News of the World, I am still sorry to see a historic newspaper ruthlessly executed by the "Dirty Digger" - as Private Eye aptly describes Rupert Murdoch.
he time is right to engage economically with Islamic finance, writes Zain Ali, head of the Islamic studies research unit at the University of Auckland.
Here's another question for the Murdoch empire: Should Sky TV be so dominant in NZ?
How on earth are we going to export more high value, high wage-producing goods with a currency headed for parity vs the US dollar?
India and China are key markets for this food and beverage manufacturer.
Exemptions are a major concern with proposed capital gains measure.
Thanks to the Murdoch papers, clever-dick journalism doesn't look so clever any more.
In the first of a series of columns leading up to the election, Owen Glenn says NZ needs a wake-up call.
Political uncertainty in Australia will be a factor in decisions on emissions trading here.
Soil and nutrient advice company gets back to the scientific basics to help farmers optimise production.
If only we could hatch a few more successful businesses...
Should we be worried that the commodity spike of the past few months has peaked?
Electricity consumers and taxpayers alike have been badly served by the new Electricity Authority in its first major decisio
Quake-ravaged Canterbury and Auckland are clearly the two major infrastructural challenges facing New Zealand.