Latest fromBest of Business Analysis

<i>Anthony Doesburg:</i> Google makes messaging even more instant
If you're not a fan of instant messaging (IM), you're going to hate a new PC-based communication tool under development by Google.

<i>Jane Diplock:</i> Much to consider for Hanover investors
In a rare move, Securities Commission chairwoman Jane Diplock gives her views on the decision facing Hanover Finance debenture holders.

<i>Anthony Doesburg:</i> Cellphone newcomer playing a waiting game
Anyone waiting for cellular network newcomer 2degrees to add on-account services to the prepaid plans it launched at the start of August shouldn't hold their breath.

<i>Yoke Har Lee:</i> From baby steps to international sales
Yes, shoe manufacturing in New Zealand can still be a viable business.

<i>Media:</i> TVNZ happy to let Henry critics rage
Everybody is having a crack at Paul Henry for his publicity stunt saying Susan Boyle was retarded.

<i>Brian Fallow</i>: Tinkering won't fix creaking tax system
The tax system has deteriorated beyond the point where tinkering and tweaking are enough, was the message this week.

<i>Jonathan Dodd:</i> It's not always about the money
Jonathan Dodd wonders whether small businesses are aspiring to great heights.

<i>Yoke Har Lee:</i> Passion for sport helps NZ firm score in the UK
Putting together the power of the internet and sport would seem a natural combination for a New Zealand company.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone:</i> Happy-family script interrupted
The clothes have changed, but the the worship of traditional values hasn't.