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Book Review: Turn Right At Machu Picchu
This is very good, with an unusual proviso; this narrative has more routine everyday mountain climbing than anything I've read.

Clarkson blasts music mogul
Kelly Clarkson has slammed music mogul Clive Davis for allegedly spreading false information about her in his new memoir.

New James Bond book hitting shelves soon
A new James Bond novel, written by British novelist William Boyd, will be released on September 26, publishers Jonathan Cape have announced.

Book Review: Truth Like the Sun
The 19th century novels I still like give a strong sense of demanding to be read aloud to an audience. But by 1950, I would say, that lingering expectation of how a novel delivers had changed, in most languages and even most genres.

Behind the secrets of Scientology
Jenna Miscavige Hill was a third-generation Church of Scientologist. She escaped the secretive society and told her story to Nicky Park.

A look behind the secret world of Scientology
Ex-Scientologist Jenna Miscavige Hill has revealed the harsh reality of growing up in the Church. Read her story here.

Wizards and vampires beat out classics for kids
Modern day tales of wizards and vampires are proving more popular with British children than classic stories like Roald Dahl's Matilda, research suggests.

Book Review: Fishing Fleet
This fishing fleet has nothing to do with cod or snapper. It’s a witty, whimsical account of the boatloads of British belles, who, from the mid-18th century to the mid-20th century, were shipped out to India to marry English males.

Book Review: Return Of A King
Compare these two statements. "If the foreign forces are ready to leave our country ... then we can help them. But if they insist on continuing the war, we don't have any other way than fighting." An Afghan warlord, speaking in 2009.

Health risks over chick lit
Self-scrutinising fictional heroines could be bad for your health.

Whitney's daughter slams grandma's tell all book
Whitney Houston's daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown has slammed her grandma's tell-all book about her late mother and vowed never to read the tome.

Amazing feats of forgotten hero of the ice
American author David Roberts is seeking to resurrect the achievements of a much lesser known explorer, Sir Douglas Mawson.

Book Review: New Finnish Grammar
The premise of New Finnish Grammar is inspired: a wounded soldier is found by a German crew on the quay at Trieste in September, 1943. He has no identification on him, no memory whatsoever and, crucially, no language.

Peta's intimate investiture
Peta Mathias may wear a medal on her chest but the vibrant author, chef and television presenter still doesn't cast a shadow on her mum.

Investiture ceremony for Peta Mathias today
An investiture ceremony for author, chef and television presenter Peta Mathias will be held at Government House in Auckland today.

Why we can't shelve the libraries
They installed a new self-checkout machine at my local library. It happened in October but I noticed it only a few weeks ago.