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Fiction Addiction: Review: Delicacy by David Foenkinos
A review of Delicacy, by renowned French writer David Foenkinos.

Fiction Addiction: Q&A with Michael Morpurgo
Here, the British author of War Horse talks about working with animals and children, gives his recommendations for reluctant young readers, and tells us what he thinks of the movie.

Life as a homeless woman
When American Brianna Karp was kicked out of home and lost her job she became that most stigmatised of people - a homeless woman.

Great reads for lazy summer days
Top publishers share their tips for holiday reading with Nicky Pellegrino.

Fiction Addiction: The DIY approach to publishing
Another new year, another bunch of resolutions. Kilos to lose, bad habits to cut back, exercise regimes to start and maintain, or even some audacious personal or creative goals, like running a marathon, or writing and publishing a first novel.

Fiction Addiction: The best new escapist novels
Looking for something absorbing to read over New Year? You’ve come to the right blog.

Fiction Addiction: Review - House of Silk
In some ways English author Anthony Horowitz was presented with a gift when he was invited to write the first official Sherlock Holmes novel since the Arthur Conan Doyle era.

Book Review: Charles Dickens
We have the idea that the celebrity cult is a modern phenomenon. But when Charles Dickens visited America in 1842 he was surrounded by cheering crowds wherever he went.

Minding your manners in a modern world
If modern life is a battlefield, then everyday etiquettes are the mines hidden across it, many laid where you least expect them. So why, asks Greg Dixon, do people not tread more carefully?

Fiction Addiction: Review - Animal People by Charlotte Wood
The final scenes of my December feature read, Animal People by Charlotte Wood, seem especially appropriate at this time of year.

Peek into a point of view
Nicky Pellegrino checks out a pithy perspective on self-improvement.

Fiction Addiction: Q&A: Bringing Sherlock back to life
Being chosen to write the first official Sherlock Holmes story since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle retired the famous detective has to be the dream job for a writer of mysteries.

A confusing book you can't put down
An offbeat thriller with dementia as a theme absorbs Nicky Pellegrino.

Travel book: <I>Art Galleries to visit in New Zealand</I>
This slim volume, which purports to "provide a guide to the many art galleries of all types that are scattered throughout New Zealand", is by no means comprehensive.

Fiction Addiction: Q&A with Charlotte Wood
Characters in good books have a way of lingering long after the final page is closed. For author Charlotte Wood it was, Stephen, from previous novel, The Children, who worried her so much she wanted to see him progress through the next stage of his life.

Tara Moss has a 'Thing' for snakes
Tara Moss's husband could be forgiven for feeling a little concerned over a rival's competition for his wife's affections.

Book lover: Max Cryer
Max Cryer's books are published worldwide. His latest is Preposterous Proverbs (Exisle).