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New stars of Nordic noir
Why, asks Barry Forshaw, are Scandinavian writers winning worldwide acclaim for their crime?

Fiction Addiction: Four hot new novels
We had the world's politest fight over who got first dibs on the most promising of the new novels on our Fiction Fix hot list this month...

Book Review: We Are Soldiers
Award-winning Sunday Times columnist Danny Danziger made the inspired decision not to write a book about British soldiers, but to let the soldiers tell their own stories.

Book Review: Goodbye Sarajevo
Sarajevo, in Bosnia, was the perfect city for a siege. Nestled in a valley surrounded by hills, the people below became easy targets.

Jeffery Deaver: Wrestling with the morality of spying
Jeffery Deaver tells Stephen Jewell why the new Bond carries an iPhone.

Fiction Addiction: Lost in Shangri-La, Mitchell Zuckoff Q&A
Boston University journalism professor Mitchell Zuckoff was researching a story about World War II when he came across an article in the Chicago Tribune from June 1945. He was stunned.

England: Fine home for a bear of little brain
Ashdown Forest is one of Britain's many literary haunts, writes Robert McCrum.

Dame Fiona Kidman: Present from nation's past
Dame Fiona Kidman takes a literary trip through time, writes Nicky Pellegrino.

Fiction Addiction: Lost in Shangri-La - a non-fiction addiction
Though I'm reading non-fiction for this month's book club - and I read a novel based on a true story last month - I prefer pure fiction.

How to avoid being killed: A traveller's guide
A Middle East-based journalist has penned a book advising travellers how to keep themselves safe in dangerous places.

Book Review: Lowboy
Lowboy leads us on a dark yet wondrous journey into the strange subterranean world beneath the streets of New York City - and deep inside the chaos of his own unravelling mind.

Book Review: In A Strange Room
This haunting, Booker-short-listed novel follows a young South African man identified only as Damon. Yes, just like the author.

Book Review: The Best Of Young Spanish Novelists
The 22 Spanish writers in this entertaining collection were all born in or since 1975, the year General Francisco Franco died after 36 years of repressive rule in Spain.

Jeffery Deaver's licence to thrill fans
Jeffery Deaver's 007 is young and modern, writes Nicky Pellegrino.

'I am interested in bad behaviour'
Booker Prize winner Alan Hollinghurst is not noted for his prolific output, so a new novel is always a great event. And his latest could be his best yet.

Bathed in ancestral light
A new book and exhibition by photographer Fiona Pardington examines the historic - and now derided - practice of taking casts of people's heads to study their brains. Some were her ancestors.

Fiction Addiction: The Larnachs - fact or fiction?
The historical novel is history-lite, the easiest of entrées into another time and place.

Book Review: <i>Carte Blanche</i>
Do you tire of the people who always bang on about how much better the book was than the movie? Well, you can rest easy if this James Bond yarn is ever committed to screen.

Book Reviews: <i>Sport 39</i> and <i>Landfall 221</i>
James K. Baxter wrote once (I paraphrase from lapsed memory and lost book) that most authors like to picture their words being read by grave scholars in studies and beautiful graduates in tutorials.

Fiction Addiction: Introducing 'Lost in Shangri-La'
There are two kinds of readers - those who peek at the last page and those who wouldn't dream of it.

David Whitehouse: Tales of the unexpected
Nick Duerden talks to writer David Whitehouse and his agent about the difficulties of getting a book published.

Bernie McGill: The truth will come out
Secrets and tragedy make this novel hard to put down, says Nicky Pellegrino.