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Muting its message
How chick-flick Eat, Pray, Love sold out to the forces of materialism. By Guy Adams.

Book Review: <i>The Great Wrong War: New Zealand Society in World War I</i>
Put on trial and found wanting.

Rare superhero comics to go on sale
Eighty years of the daring exploits of super heroes Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon will go under the hammer when an Auckland man's collection of thousands of comics is expected to attract world-wide attention.

Book Review: <i>Coolangatta: A Homage</i>
She belies the conceit that readers only want primary characters who are likeable.

The curious relationships between people and animals
Hal Herzog, one of America's foremost psychologists, is dedicated to understanding our often contradictory behaviour towards different species.

Martin Hill's favourite things
Environmental artist Martin Hill says he tends to get more pleasure from personal experiences than from tangible objects.

NZ intelligence activities revealed in banned book
A book about the war in Afghanistan reveals details of the activities of New Zealand intelligence teams there.

Ghostwriter haunted by his own characters
Australian thriller writer Michael Robotham talks to Craig Sisterson about the importance of making characters seem real.

Brake point
Patience is a virtue when it comes to living the good life, discovers Wendyl Nissen in this extract from her new book, A Home Companion.

Chris Carter to kiss and tell
Outspoken MP Chris Carter is writing a "kiss and tell" book about Labour's nine years in power.

Book Review: <i>Started Early, Took My Dog</i>
Kate Atkinson began as a prize-winning literary novelist with Behind the Scenes At The Museum and has reinvented herself by using the tropes of detective fiction.

Off the computer and on the wall
Artists@Work, a new book by writer Richard Wolfe and photographer Stephen Robinson, offers an insight into the creative processes of 24 painters and sculptors. In this edited extract, Auckland artist Richard Killeen talks about disliking p

Get the kids into the kitchen (+recipe)
The Usborne Children's World Cookbook has some great recipes perfect for your little ones to try over the school holidays.

Minogue lifts the lid on love and heartbreak
Dannii Minogue has opened up about the loves of her life in her autobiography, My Story.

Book Review: <i>Surrender</i>
When a cop arrives at the door of missing persons specialist Diane Rowe to tell her a body found that morning was someone she knew, she is stunned - like anyone would be.

Ryan Murphy's message of hope
Film-maker Ryan Murphy felt a strong connection with Liz Gilbert's Eat Pray Love.