A monster project
It might be a short book but making a film of Where the Wild Things Are was a giant of a job for left-field director Spike Jonze.
It might be a short book but making a film of Where the Wild Things Are was a giant of a job for left-field director Spike Jonze.
Most copies of Witi Ihimaera's The Trowenna Sea, which contains plagiarised passages, are set to be taken off bookstore shelves.
A Ferrari disappears. Then the owner begins to suspect that her bank accounts have leaked tens of millions of dollars without explanation.
Author Witi Ihimaera was last night presented with a prestigious arts award - a week after he was caught up in a plagiarism row.
Witi Ihimaera has been named an Arts Foundation laureate and will receive a $50,000 award - days after admitting plagiarism in his new book.
More well known for his award-winning children's stories than adult sci-fi.
Like Fiona Farrell, Bernadette Hall spent six months in Ireland courtesy of the Rathcoola Fellowship.
Wellington writer Damien Wilkins discusses how a trip to France was a journey in more ways than one.
Lisa Tamati will run the length of the country - 2,200 km - in just 33 days. That's the equivalent of 52 marathons in just over a month.
Political commentator and academic Ranginui Walker says people these days think he has mellowed - but he reckons he hasn't changed.
An Australian wine writer's latest book recommends several New Zealand wines, some of which had not even been bottled when it was released.