Latest fromBooks
In praise of friendship
The world’s most admired writers and poets have long extolled its virtues. Here, Yvonne Van Dongen explains why she’d take friendship - old and new - over romance any day.
Christopher McDougall - parkour, paleo and energetic prose
Those of us for whom the Great Outdoors is the walk from front door to car door need to read Christopher McDougall.
Rosaleen Madigan's poignant and poetic commentary on life
Rosaleen Madigan loves her four adult children but, it has to be said, she has a pretty funny way of showing it.
Bonding over bloodshed
Award-winning Auckland writers Linda Olsson and Thomas Sainsbury tell Craig Sisterson why they’re collaborating on a thriller trilogy.
Controversial baby paleo book released
The book was going to be published in hard copy by Pan Macmillan but was scrapped when health experts warned some of the recipes could harm infants.
Book brings back Pussy Galore
Anthony Horowitz's new James Bond continuation novel will mark the return of one of the franchise's best-loved Bond girls.
Books: Satisfaction in meaty characters
Six of the best in stories starring oddballs and good sorts.
Books: Constellations of light in tale of tragedy
In her new novel we encounter Julian in a state of profound grief for his lover, Julia, and their daughter, Mira.
'Horror and pity' for Gen Rent
"Horror and pity" have greeted one renting Auckland couple but they want to change attitudes to tenants, regarded as taking a "second-class" option.
Writers pay homage to power of cats
A record-breaking estimated festival audience of 60,000 meant author-signing queues up to two hours long. Janet McAllister reports.
Jenner's ex to write 'tell-all' book
Bruce Jenner's ex-wife Linda Thompson is reportedly planning to share her side of the story.
Books: Recent releases May 17
Parisian feel-good tale amuses despite its implausible plot.
My, what big prospects she's got...
Karen Attwood meets first-time novelist Kate Hamer, whose 21st-century Little Red Riding Hood is tipped to be a best-seller.
'Scottish elf' tells of appalling childhood
Self-described "Scottish elf trapped in middle-aged man's body" among highlights from the first week of Auckland Writers Festival.
Marvel's female Thor unmasked
The secret identity of Marvel's female Thor has been revealed.
Top 5 things to see at the Writers Festival
There are some gems at the Auckland Writers Festival with tickets still available... Here are five sessions recommended by books editor Linda Herrick.
JK Rowling vs Twitter trolls
Author takes on internet bullies: "The internet doesn’t just offer opportunities for misogynistic abuse, you know. Penis enlargers can also be bought discreetly."
Russell Brand back on the Revolution bandwagon
He’s the self-styled revolutionary who backed Ed Miliband at the Election and advocates the overthrow of "corporate tyranny".
Books: Exploring the dark side of utopia
Nigerian author Ben Okri uncovers the dark side of Arcadia in his latest novel. Stephen Jewell chats to the writer.
Books: Wait until it's right
Success has given Tim Winton, one of Australia’s best-loved authors, the luxury of time to craft his books into their ideal form, writes David Larsen.
Diets don't work, but these two strategies do
Over the course of her more than 20 years studying how people eat, Traci Mann has found that willpower doesn't work quite like we imagine it will.
100 Kiwi Stories: Journo fought war with words
86: Rifleman Clifford Nightingale was more familiar with the pen than the sword when he sailed with hundreds of reinforcements to join troops on the Western Front.
Twelve Questions: Dave Veart
Auckland archaeologist and heritage expert Dave Veart tells the history of New Zealand through food and toys in his books.
Best-selling author offers NZ bookshops a cash lifeline
One of the world's biggest selling authors is offering a cash lifeline to struggling New Zealand book stores to help get Kiwi kids reading.