Cooking the Books podcast: How to take a small business international
If you're in a specialised area, going for a global customer base can be crucial.
If you're in a specialised area, going for a global customer base can be crucial.
Between a Commerce Commission investigation and law changes, there's a lot going on.
A couple of quick changes can save thousands.
From margin lending to crypto, should you go there?
The right strategy can mean your business still grows strongly.
There's a mismatch between what we say, and do.
She decided that school wasn't her only path to success
Getting paid is one of the important parts of business, but can be surprisingly difficult.
It gave them the work-life flexibility to be more present with their children.
There are new rules about what happens to your savings in a crisis.
Accusations of greenwashing are everywhere, so how do you spot them?
There are ways to have the conversation which will make an argument less likely.
It's one of the trends fund managers are banking on making money for investors.
Investing in a recession can bring gains as some companies do better in a downturn.
She went from deeply in debt to being rich enough to buy into a castle in Italy
Sometimes a luxury handbag can be a wealth plan, and sometimes it's just losing your cash.
If you feel like the number of scammers are on the rise, you're right.
A change is under way that will send some company values up, and others down.
Sometimes closing your business can be the first step towards superstar success.
Behind the dream of travelling the world, what does it actually take?
Many of us are doing KiwiSaver wrong.
She wanted the ability to travel and spend more time with her family.
ETF trading has fallen around 75 per cent.
She says once she learned more about money, she realised where she was going wrong.
The Reserve Bank predicts the falling prices aren't finished yet.
Whether it's shares or property, you can make money without going to work.
She says the side hustle only takes three hours a week.
Different companies are making offers to lure in customers, including some major perks.