Rangatahi don’t need leaders telling them what to do or how to behave
OPINION: That personal self-interest has usurped pan-tribal good is an inconvenient truth.
OPINION: That personal self-interest has usurped pan-tribal good is an inconvenient truth.
Emmy Rākete graduates with a Doctorate in Sociology
OPINION: While AI should be for everyone, we’re still a long way away from this being true
Ngā Wai hono i te pō also shows her father's humility.
Napier has cemented its Māori ward but rejected one councillor's apology.
Thousands of people have gathered at the marae over the past six days to mourn the King.
The Kīngitanga movement was formed to unite Māori over land loss.
Leaders are acknowledging Ngā Wai hono i te pō as the new leader of the Kīngitanga.
Ngā Wai hono i te pō has been anointed the new leader of the Kīngitanga.
Former top cop Wally Haumaha says the King's impact was enormous for Māori.
'It’s not the money for me; it’s the art and the feel of the things.'
'All of it’s enjoyable. The people here are all working for the same cause.'
OPINION: The Māori King reminded us what good leadership is.
Researchers aim to enhance services for rangatahi who engage in self-harm.
OPINION: The death of Kīngi Tūheitia can not be in vain for Aotearoa New Zealand.
It's an instant crowd-pleaser (even for a teenage boy of very few words).
There is a question over whether what transpired at Ellis Park was respectful.
Iwi from all over the motu are arriving en mass to Kīngi Tūheitia's tangi.
The council says it needs more direct discussion with iwi and mana whenua.
Thousands expected to attend tangihanga over the weekend.
Looking for something new to read? Experts share what’s caught their eye recently.
Kīngi Tūheitia did not know he would succeed his mother until she died.
The Māori monarch had been in hospital recovering from heart surgery.
Te Tiriti Is Us defends Treaty of Waitangi against proposed prinicples bill.
ECan rejects proposal to oust Ngāi Tahu representatives.
Rob Campbell believes bi-partisan politics is the only way forward
The Crown's witness chose not to comment at Waitangi Tribunal hearing.
Raetihi is fighting for survival over WPI decision.
OPINION: 'It is unfortunate that the dominant tower in the city is the casino tower.'
The Brat star speaks about the impact of the online frenzy.