The Kiwi choreographer taking risks to make life WOW
The Kiwi choreographer who's got the biggest gig in NZ dance on why taking risks is good.
The Kiwi choreographer who's got the biggest gig in NZ dance on why taking risks is good.
Author Paula Morris discovers the French town where fans of literature and rugby meet.
"They're in shock when they hear me speaking Chinese". Made with funding from NZ On Air.
APO musician Ingrid Hagan on playing Vivaldi concertos, written for an unnamed girl.
South Auckland schools dominate in annual entertainment competition.
A mighty combo of great composer, the APO and Auckland Choral equals rousing night.
A decade away, Samoan playwright returns home to show us what she's learned.
Viktoria Mullova shows why she's one of the biggest stars of classical music.
Comic moments and sordid decadence collide in show-stealing performances.
Rima Te Wiata on lust, letters and longing for a scone.
Music is more than entertainment at NZ's only music therapy centre.
Times: Will the book The Testaments impact on TV's The Handmaid's Tale? Moss tells all.
NZ author reveals the link between reading and how the USA plans future prisons.
Gallipoli connections bring musicians from Anatolia and Aotearoa together.
Double-hulled sailing canoe Fa'afaite arrives in Tauranga Harbour after an epic trip.
A theatre group started to help the homeless wins top arts award.
Ten NZ artists will get a life-changing message in the next few months.
Fleetwood Mac play Auckland this week - there's also comedy and theatre to keep us amused.
Violinist Viktoria Mullova's life reads like a classic Cold War spy novel.
The School of Rock bursts into Auckland with electrifying opening night.
Auckland Arts Festival announces stunning ballet as headline show for 2020.
The tracks have caused extensive damage to the mountain, which is a protected site.
One of the world's biggest selling children's books to be published in te reo Māori.
Famed NZ artist Dick Frizzell lends a hand to street art project.
Award-winners and stars of the future - they're all in Auckland this weekend.
Did Council undermined democracy in nixing Lauren Southern and Stephan Molyneux's event?
Replacing a famed classical musician, Louis Lortie had mere moments to win the audience.
Greg Fleming on the latest from Mick Herron, Steve Cavanagh, Chris Pavone and Tom Bradby.
Miss Pinup NZ contestant says dressing vintage has made her more confident.
Is this the most surreal, beautiful, funny and original show Auckland's seen this year?