Editorial: Holiday from KiwiSaver comes at cost
The Commission for Financial Capability wants changes to New Zealand's retirement policies and is urging an overhaul of the 'holiday' arrangement.
The Commission for Financial Capability wants changes to New Zealand's retirement policies and is urging an overhaul of the 'holiday' arrangement.
COMMENT: This year is an election year, which will determine whether there is real momentum in focusing on the crucial myriad of issues for Maori, writes Jon Stokes.
Citizens of the seven countries targeted by Donald Trump in the name of preventing terrorism have not been known to previous cause terrorism in the US.
COMMENT: The announcement that DB Breweries has purchased Tuatara shines a spotlight on a surprisingly positive shift in the way Kiwis are consuming beer.
EDITORIAL: Immigrants have always provided an easy target for populist politicians.
Today is an anniversary not just for Auckland but everywhere from Taupo north.
The mood is often quickly soured by challenges from Waitangi so it is good that the Ratana Church's annual celebrations of its founder's birth in the rural settlement of Ratana Pa has come to be an occasion for all parties.
Editorial: It is hardly surprising when the warmest season threatens to end before it has barely started
What has possessed Auckland Transport to contemplate putting their intercity bus terminal at Manukau?
Mark Gilbert, the departing United States Ambassador, is keen to reassure New Zealanders that Washington does not spy on Wellington.
Every new US President has the right to start with the good will of opponents and critics.
The world waits to hear what Donald Trump will say when he is sworn in early tomorrow, New Zealand time.
Since science was ignited as the fuel of economic growth the flame has gone out, says Jeff Tallon.
David McGee, a former Clerk of the House, made an appeal for new rules to keep MPs in their seats for a full term yesterday in Herald.
Regardless of bottom lines, Winston Peters will go with the winner if his choice matters. Let us hope it does not.
Asked to forecast the outlook for the housing market this year, an economist recently made an important point.
The nature of information that constitutes news is being changed by the digital age, not entirely for the better.
Michael Chamberlain, the New Zealand-born pastor who died this week at 72, was a man of unshakeable faith and resolute character.
As New Zealanders are well aware, but probably Australians are not, many of these people who are detained are not Kiwis in any real sense.
There could hardly a worse time for Iran to lose its powerful moderating figure, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who has died aged 82.
Waitangi Day has provided an insight to the character of successive prime ministers ever since Norman Kirk made it a national holiday.
The 'Family First' group has put an interesting idea into debate for this election year.
These are brilliant ideas which may soon take shape. Perhaps 2017 may not be so bad after all.
Debate raging on social media over Mad Butcher comment was worthy of attention.
When the official holiday period finished at 6am yesterday there had been 15 fatal crashes on New Zealand roads since the Friday before Christmas.
Nothing ruins a professional's reputation like blaming the weather.
The major obstacle to a Palestinian state is not settlements.
All too soon students will be back at school and questions will resume about about how well our education system prepares them for later life.
COMMENT: Farming does not get the public attention is deserves.
Seldom has a year started with so much upheaval in prospect.