How a high-flying bond trader became one of NZ’s largest farmers
Corporate farming a trend, don't write off the family farm just yet, Forbes Elworthy says.
Corporate farming a trend, don't write off the family farm just yet, Forbes Elworthy says.
'She's blue and gold through and through, and we are very lucky to have her.'
The Govt's announcement of an inquiry into rural banking is welcomed by Federated Farmers.
EIT's rural studies unit will host the Young Grower finals and students are invited.
'We are pushing ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally to extract the most we can'
Pauline Tangiora: Let's all be writing letters again and keep posties in their jobs.
'When we get a fully fit first-choice 16, we'll be even more competitive than we are now'.
Gisborne's Bradley Anderson wins cadet fencing competition at Fieldays.
Awards celebrate Māori excellence in digital fields.
The Gisborne council is debating the high cost of road safety vs fines.
This will be his first time performing in Gisborne.
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa announces its first five horticulture cadet graduates.
Ten-goal win to YMP; champs Whāngārā OG given a fright.
Simpson strike proves the difference in goal-for-goal clash.
Council debates forestry levy and a higher rate to cover prosecution costs.
Tairāwhiti aims for sustainable land use amid erosion issues.
A sweet shot has Reuben Mottart buzzing after a hole-in-one at Patutahi.
Waituhi-GBHS is shaping up the as game of the weekend.
Gisborne Boys' top rugby sides go down to Napier BHS.
The region's in for a heavy soaking.
Readers' views on Grey St, city centre in a bad state, farm emissions.
NZTA is to consider Gisborne road funding in an upcoming review.
Contractors have laid down the final piece of a new concrete footpath behind Mitre 10.
Tai Kupenga Ltd involved in trial growing of Papaya for leaves and fruit
Mayor Rehette Stoltz is concerned about Gisborne losing Kiwibank's physical presence.
Gisborne kiwifruit part of a record national season and they were the tastiest
Hastings has recorded a new national temperature record with a reading of 25.7C.
Boys' High versus YMP A was nearly the upset of the hockey season on Saturday.
A delegation explores disaster readiness with First Nations people in Washington.
Heavyweight clash set to be the game of the season so far.