Latest fromHamilton

Hamilton gunman still on the loose
An armed gang member is still at large after a fruitless police search in east Hamilton this morning.

Ex-All Black loses battle with bank
A former All Black has lost another round in a legal battle with the SBS Bank over a million dollar debt on a Coromandel property development.

NZ's most common family? Couples without children
Couples without children are expected to overtake two-parent families as the most common household formation by next year, according to Statistics NZ.

Inmate admits killing prison guard
The inmate charged with killing prison guard Jason Palmer has admitted his manslaughter.

Three teens arrested over Hamilton murder
Three teenagers have been arrested over the murder of 74-year-old Donald Alfred Stewart in Hamilton last month.

He's going to the chapel
Dave Dobbyn, who celebrated 30 years in music last year, is touring the majestic churches, chapels and cathedrals of New Zealand on the 2010 Classic Hits Acoustic Church Tour.

Whoever took victim's car holds key to solving murder - police
Police investigating the murder of 74-year-old Donald Alfred Stewart want to find the people who took the man's car from a ditch.