Latest fromHealth & Wellbeing

Dramatic boob job: 'People treat me differently'
Jayne Richardson says plastic surgery has changed her life.

Helping kids be kinder to themselves
Kids aren't always kind to themselves, especially when they've had a rough day.

World's oldest man dies aged 112. Here's his secret to long life
Japanese centenarian Chitetsu Watanabe revealed secret to long life just before his death.

'Unnecessarily early grave': Plea to roll out bowel cancer screening for under-60s
Earlier screening for Māori would help make things fair, Bowel Cancer NZ says.

Hinge: Could this dating app be 'the one'?
Could a new dating app put an end to your current status of disappointed and exhausted?

Family shamed online for trashing restaurant
The family left napkins, food and menus strewn all over the floor.

Is a vegan diet really as healthy as we think?
Could fake meat and vegan fast food be less healthy than their meaty alternatives?

Focus Live: PM Jacinda Ardern confirms travel ban on foreign nationals coming from China to continue for a further eight days
Focus Live: PM Jacinda Ardern confirms travel ban on foreign nationals coming from China to continue for a further eight days

How mum's skincare range became $20 million business
Three fellow mums' Facebook posts helped transform her into a multi-millionaire.

Is Auckland's 'nightclub gym' the key to an easy workout?
The question is, is working out more fun if you can pretend you're at Ponsonby's Longroom?

Which is best? Paleo, intermittent fasting or the Mediterranean diet
Not all diets are created equal. One of these has been found to trump the rest.

Matt Heath: Getting to the core of the gut issue
Get planking: it could save your stomach, advises Matt Heath

Bullied boy's mum reacts to 'fake' age rumour
Things have taken a sour turn forcing Quaden Bayles' mum to react.

Window of opportunity 'narrowing' as coronavirus cases surge
Violent scenes in Ukraine of protesters attacking evacuees blamed on 'fake news'.

South Korea's coronavirus cases linked to doomsday church
The church founders, says the virus is "a devil's deed to curb the growth of his church".

Love Island host's rugby star ex 'tried to buy gun'
International opens up on mental health and encourages people to talk.

Post Malone endorses Kiwi wellness brand
Kiwi brand Aotea's kawakawa balm has received some serious praise from Post Malone.

Coronavirus reaches Australia
Two passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise ship had tested positive in Australia.

Focus Live: Ministry of Health give coronavirus update
Focus Live: Ministry of Health give coronavirus update

'Suck their toes': Dad outraged by school's sex advice
The young teenagers were given some shocking advice to take home.

Mum's hack for cleaning toilet brush raises eyebrows
The internet is divided - is this idea genius or hazardous?

Why you should make breakfast the biggest meal of the day
Eating bigger breakfasts could actually double the amount of calories you're burning.

New Zealander dies from meningococcal after complaining of 'stomach bug'
Amelia Clayton thought she had Gastro but was found dead at her Western Australia home.

Nelsonians longest living in New Zealand
Latest Statistics New Zealand figures show Nelson residents live the longest.

Dog eats pin-cushion: NZ's weirdest pet insurance claims
From the crafty labrador who took up sewing, to the adventurous cat who went fishing.

Jake Bailey: How the Coast to Coast reminded me of the bonds we create through suffering
Jake Bailey: Endurance event reminds me of the bonds we create through suffering

Breast cancer diagnoses delayed as wait times blow out
Women are having to wait months longer than DHB targets for breast service appointments.

What colour bath mat do you see?
Yet another optical illusion has left social media users baffled.