Mum's 4hr 20min plank sets new Guinness World Record
The yoga instructor smashed the world record by almost an hour.
The yoga instructor smashed the world record by almost an hour.
She's cooked for Oprah and Jacinda Ardern, and now she's sharing her weight loss secrets.
Kiwi honey cream Honevo just as good at clearing up cold sores as Viraban: study
There's a problem with believing psychological pain is an illness in the first place.
Teenagers should wear special sunglasses to bed to block out sleep-disturbing blue light.
By the time cancer was detected it was too late for Alix.
A woman's innocent question about her bathroom habit has sparked a fierce debate.
Hundreds of women have revealed their husbands couldn't cope with menopause.
New research compares, for the first time, 100 per cent fruit juices with sugary drinks.
Now's the time to think about adding something in, rather than cutting something out.
A busy mum takes time out to write about her feelings. Is it worth it?
Kiwi sisters Julia and Libby Matthews are now business rivals on the supplement scene.
COMMENT: Niki Bezzant on the study of the interplay between food and genes.
The supermodel's go-to haircare product has been revealed.
Ratajkowski has posed naked in protest of the recent abortion law passed in Alabama.
Between August 1 - 7, 2016, a total of 2,011 patients attended Middlemore Hospital.
Doctors say parents putting growing kids on the diet should be prosecuted.
Ish Cheyne shares top tips for staying in shape on the road.
Yet to pay any of her fine, Gibson has been found with gambling accounts.
A good deal of what we know comes from the laboratory rat.
One man's question about a showering habit has ignited a furious debate.
The findings were far stranger than the doctor had anticipated.
Bacteria, viruses - the popular celebrity trend could be putting mothers' health at risk.
New Zealanders need to start talking about our bowels. Niki Bezzant explains why.
Could an ancient cure-all be the secret to easing eczema's itch? Rebecca Blithe finds out.
COMMENT: Many of the beers we drink are rewards for hard work.
Make sure mum feels special every day, expectant mum and midwife Eleanor McQueen says.
A third of survey respondents often relied on snacks like toast or cereal for dinner.
COMMENT: Food allergy is an expensive condition to live with day to day.