Latest fromHealth & Wellbeing

Revealed: Donald Trump's medical file - weight gain makes him officially obese
Donald Trump is technically obese, but in good overall health.

Anti-vax mum suing her daughters' school
A mother has sued a school after it removed her unvaccinated daughters from class.

When not to talk to your kids about school
Katie Barker learned the hard way the best time to talk to her daughter about school.

Black Ferns Sevens captain finds many benefits in floating
Zen Float Spa's pods allow users to escape gravity.

The 20 minute workout that changes your body
Grunwell learns about the X-Force workout from Body Tech's founder Peter Rana.

First day fail: Man's hilarious office blunder
First impressions last, which is why this new recruit is so mortified by his mistake.

Hawkesby: Why Cardi B and your kids are deleting Instagram
It's not the toxic echo chamber that is Twitter, so why are our teens ditching Instagram?

The one diet challenge I managed to stick to
Eight weeks of a gruelling fitness challenge later, would Stacey Hunt do it all again?

'I wish I'd gone vegan years ago - I've never felt better'
It's no longer a millennial eating fad - the older generation is jumping on the bandwagon.

KFC to pay breastfeeding mum $2.2m
After shocking treatment by her employer a young mother has won in court.

Shapes on a plane: Gymnast's incredible in-flight contortion
Obeying safety briefings, she still made sure to fasten her seat belt.

Homophobic attack on K'Rd: Sickening, not surprising
Lee Suckling: Sickened but not surprised by Kiwi reporter bashed in hate crime.

How our modern diets could be killing us
Major study on ultra-processed food spells bad news for fans of white bread and cereal.

The guilty joy of sending kids back to school
Wanting to enjoy some time to yourself doesn't make you a bad mum.

Rachel Hunter to tour NZ in 'odyssey back to joy'
Supermodel turned yogi Rachel is touring the country with intimate wellbeing workshops.

Study finds lack of sleep can damage human DNA
Lack of sleep can possibly lead to higher chances of genetic diseases such as cancer.

Teens secretly getting vaccinated behind anti-vax parents' back
Internet-savvy teenagers are fact-checking their parents' decisions on their health.

Prince Philip's victim feels 'safer' now he's off roads
The woman who broke her wrist in the car crash has spoken out.

Weight loss saga for a middle-aged Kiwi bridesmaid
Being a middle-aged bridesmaid saw Helen Van Berkel determined to lose weight.

Are fermented foods actually good for you?
Kombucha is the healthy beverage du jour. Niki Bezzant digs into the actual benefits.

Niki Bezzant: Fruit and veges could save your life
Comment: Hair dye and power lines are unlikely to give you cancer - but what will?

Busted! Why people make excuses for eating badly
A good diet is neither more expensive nor more time-consuming research reveals.

Queenstown entrepreneur launches world first deer milk beauty product
The protein-rich milk is attracting interest from scientists.

Take steps towards better health
We often hear 10,000 as the golden number of steps to strive for in a day.

Wine before beer or beer before wine: What's best to prevent a hangover?
Researchers have found that having beer before wine doesn't in fact, help you feel fine.

What really happens when you fail at your diet
After a week of holiday indulgence, week seven kicked me in the behind.

Doctors who worked 70 hours a week labelled 'emotional female'
Junior doctor Yumiko Kadota has detailed the ugly side of becoming a surgeon in Australia.

Fad diets that actually achieve results
Nutritionist Susie Burrell reveals the ones which ones actually work.