The weight loss myth making you fat
What was once considered helpful for weight loss has been found to be a hindrance.
What was once considered helpful for weight loss has been found to be a hindrance.
Years of excruciating pain led young star to make a difficult decision.
Astonishing before-and-after photos have gone viral after she shared her cheap remedy.
Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald explains why we feel this way.
Renaming herself Freelee the Banana Girl, this is how one woman found peace.
And what really constitutes healthy dieting and safe weight.
Fit people all have something in common... They eat a healthy, hearty breakfast every day.
It took a team of scientists to figure out what had infected Abby Beckley's eye.
New Zealand is in the grip of the worst mumps outbreak in decades
A skin expert reveals why lathering your skin in coconut oil may not be the best idea.
Gwyneth Paltrow slammed for urging Goop readers to 'achieve leanest liveable weight'.
Dr Richard Babor says bariatric surgery is not a solution to the obesity epidemic.
Lee Suckling discusses the tipping point in which too much exercise impacts libido.
A 41-year-old mum was determined to change her life for good. Here's how she did it.
The famous "before and after" weight loss pics are about to vanish from TV and mags.
Health warnings were issued at dozens of beaches around the city yesterday.
COMMENT: I'm learning gentle art of listening - or I would if I could ever stop talking.
Lawmakers say kids would stop eating them if they were less squishy and colourful.
This time last year, Roxy Jacenko thought she looked a million dollars.
They say that laughing at yourself might help you suppress anger.
Depriving yourself of joy is never going to lead to your best physical and mental health.
Just the same as smoking tobacco or breathing in traffic fumes.
Scientists have produced a human egg they say could help fertility treatments.
"It was a great day at the park, it was all the more shocking when police approached us."
You don't have to be a sexpot to have great sex, writes Deborah Hill Cone.
COMMENT: The indoor environment can have a huge impact on our productivity.
Because apparently that's a thing people want...
Scientist's experiment will have you grabbing for the hand towels from now on.
She was a fit 18-year-old. Then she collapsed while on a run and died four days later.