Fighting fit as you age
The mid-century milestone is a good time to consider fitness and nutrition.
The mid-century milestone is a good time to consider fitness and nutrition.
Forget kombucha and sauerkraut. Here's what you'll be turning to for health kicks in 2018.
Research on e-cigs' relative safety is lacking, Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ says.
Swelling rapidly, she was cut from her dress and hospitalised after reacting to her cake.
Astrid Martin worked with over 50,000 local schoolkids. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
New study suggests the insects carry far more dangerous bacteria than previously thought.
Feeling unwell and told to rest up, 72 hours later the mother of a young boy was dead.
Tess Nichol learns an alarming lesson about coffee in week two of her summer body series.
Follow Tess Nichol on her second week of boot camp with emphasis on the daily drinking of coffee.
Strength, cardio and everything in between. Here's how to plan your weekly workout.
It makes a tasty dressing, but the health claims are overblown.
Digestion can be a problem for many, here are some natural remedies that could help.
Surely, I'm not the only one who's wondered what it would be like to be a nudist?
When anxiety gets on top of you, remember this advice to help you calm down.
COMMENT: Have you switched to almond milk? If you have, you're certainly on trend.
We should be encouraging men to talk but what do we do after that?
Too much oral sex, smoking and drinking increases your risk of mouth cancer.
Expert explains how cult leaders like Charles Manson exploit a basic psychological need.
The average person takes two minutes 26 seconds to find it. How long does it take you?
This is all the important information you need to know to shed the kilos by yourself.
Lack of vitamin D can cause low oestrogen in women and testosterone in men.
Dozens of survey participants said the bullying had made them contemplate leaving the job.
A young woman who coughs blood every month has a rare, endometriosis-related condition.
Starting a diet or feeling chuffed about your progess? Quit while you're ahead.
Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald reveals what's at the heart of people's outrage at begging.
A mum of two has issued a plea to help raise funds for a reduction of her K-cup breasts.
Eating eggs and peanuts during pregnancy may protect the unborn child from allergies.
The trio remain in Waikato hospital in a serious but stable condition.
After losing her leg to cancer, aged nine, Jess Quinn has learned to love her body.
Ten-month-old Archie has no eyes due to a rare condition. His mum is pleading for help.