Fans angered by Demi Lovato's health advice
The singer posted a photo on Instagram with a bottle of Teami tea, urging fans to try it.
The singer posted a photo on Instagram with a bottle of Teami tea, urging fans to try it.
Exposure to cigarettes in the womb affects a woman's eggs, researchers claim.
These five workouts are a great way to fill time in the kitchen.
Avoid eating out to make healthier choices? Dr Ludwig says you can do both.
Owners and staff at restaurants in Eastern China have been jailed after using waste oil.
There are a number of plant medicines available that help to protect your lungs.
Drugs developed in Auckland are being picked apart to understand how to best treat cancer.
Both conceived via IVF, the pair found out they shared the same donor father.
Kathy Lette's autistic son was branded a 'retard' at school. Now he's an actor.
Do you really know what ingredients are lurking in supermarket-bought deodorants?
New photos emerge of the 2-year-old who was addicted to smoking.
A neuroscientist claims he will be able to "wake up" cryogenically frozen brains.
Researchers are appealing for participants for a major new probiotics study.
"People say 'Wow, I wish I was addicted to exercise'" but you can exercise too much.
Rotorua mum about to tackle marathon that has been five years in the making.
Short on time? Lee-Anne Wann raves about the benefits of five-minute workouts.
A new study says IVF babies are more likely to develop cancer later in life.
Many people see juice as a healthy option. They're wrong.
Drinking four pints in one night is enough to destabilise the heart's natural rhythm.
Couple caring for disabled adult children lament lack of "pay rise"
A nutritionist reveals how to satisfy your sweet tooth and stay healthy.
Kiwi bodyworker explains how this yoga is key to unleashing erotic energy without touch.
An Instafamous woman shares the unhealthy lengths she went to maintain her toned body.
Nadia Lim is offering Kiwis a 'fresh start' with her new weight management programme.
Is cutting your sugar intake as easy as swapping these foods?
Amber and Shocks "healed each other" after both suffering a bad start in life.
Eexercise can either hinder or enhance your odds of conceiving.
The stories we tell ourselves have the capacity to destroy our peace of mind.