The 5 minute workout better than a long run
According to Cameron Diaz, just a few minutes is all it takes.
According to Cameron Diaz, just a few minutes is all it takes.
OPINION: Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald explains the right way to give advice.
Scientists say packing more into the day increases the opportunity to learn new things, stimulating and challenging the brain.
What's really going on in our minds and bodies when we fall "head over heels"?
If a child naps at the same time every day for at least an hour, is it okay to dash up the road for a few minutes?
A video of a Melbourne chiropractor cracking a baby's back went viral, now the same practitioner is facing a temporary ban on treating anyone under 18.
She's had no luck finding her ideal man, so this former reality TV contestant has put a ring on it herself.
According to a recent study, pounding the pavements could help to ward off more than a dozen different types of cancer.
When is suffering so unbearable that euthanasia can be considered as the only option?
Many people talk about living their dreams a lot but ultimately very few actually do it.
The days of feeling over the hill at 50, 60 or even 70 are long gone.
The technique is expected to help young people with sports injuries, or older people whose cartilage is wearing away from osteoarthritis.
A new online tool calculates how much of your life you've spent asleep - and what you could have achieved if you had been awake instead.
In the past month I have tried two edible insect products: cricket pasta and cricket flour.
Diet has been popularised by celebs who claim it boosts health and aids weight loss but expert says you shouldn't do it if you don't have coeliac disease.
Hi Sandra, I have fibromyalgia. Can you recommend anything to help with this condition?
Mother of three Sue Gaskell-Barlow is participating in groundbreaking ME Support Bay of Plenty charitable trust programme Towards Wellness.
A shop assistant who helped a blind and autistic girl who was upset has attracted praise from around the globe.
Higher avocado and tomato prices helped push the annual grocery bill up, the latest food price index shows.
Studies report that about 25 per cent of US teens deem the first meal of the day unnecessary. I live with one of you, so I have heard your reasons.
It has long been known that cancers are caused by a combination of our genes, diet and lifestyle. Here are eight ways that are proven to lower your risk.
Yoga and meditation are more effective than memory exercises for combating the mental decline that often precedes Alzheimer's, research has shown.
Waikato DHB has come up with a national first by launching a smartphone app that lets people have consultations, text their GP and schedule appointments.
OPINION: The biggest struggle for someone in a relationship with an actively addicted person is not the impact of the addiction, but to recognise the limits of the help we can provide.
As genomic medicine advances, the possibility of manipulating our genetic makeup, and that of our future children, is rapidly becoming a reality.
There's good reason visions of a relaxing holiday often include the ocean. Or why many people fantasise about retiring to the coast.
A 72-year-old Indian woman has given birth to a baby boy after undergoing IVF treatment.