Latest fromHealth & Wellbeing

Why short weeks feel so long
The reason you feel like this week is dragging. Plus top tips for making it through.

Comment: Why Coca-Cola is dying
The iconic brand has tried everything to keep that fizz going but as people turn on its signature drink - more diet choices are created, writes Emma Reynolds.

Meditation can knock 7 years off age of your brain
Meditation doesn't just relax the mind - it could also keep it young.

When is the best time to exercise?
Some people swear by a morning sweat session, while others prefer later in the day, so which is best?

Women healthier after their husbands die - study
Marriage has long been thought to be beneficial - both in sickness and in health. But a study suggests that widows actually suffer less stress and frailty than wives whose husbands are still alive.

The key to a longer life? Walk the dog
Researchers have found that adults of 60 years or more who form strong bonds with their dogs tend to exercise more often and for longer.

Could having long legs increase risk of colon cancer?
People who have longer legs have a greater risk of getting colon cancer, a study has found.

Why it's hard to sleep in a strange bed
Can't sleep on your first night in a hotel? Don't blame the lumpy mattress or the hard pillow - it's probably because half your brain is still awake.

Now you can go out to dinner in the nude
A restaurant is offering guests the chance to go 'au naturel'.

What exercise does to your bones
Exercise is great, but what impact does it have on our bone health?

Do protein shakes make you fat?
Your protein powder could be responsible for those extra kilos you're carrying.

The foods that zap your energy
Eight of the most common "energy" foods, and why they may not be so energising after all.

Undies in bed is bad for your health
Scientists claim sleeping in your pants could lead to a host of health problems.

NZ Herald Focus: 18 April 2016
Aucklanders are being pushed out of their own housing market and are responsible for one in five house sales in cities including Hamilton, Whangarei and Tauranga.

Louise Thompson: Passion vs courage
What is it that allows some people to harness their passion, to follow it almost effortlessly, yet it's such a struggle for many others?

Simple balm could help cancer victims keep nails
A simple nail balm that could greatly improve the quality of life of cancer patients is being tested.

Vitamin D link to child allergies rate
Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and giving them to babies may help reduce high rate of allergies in children, research indicates.

Short-staffing highlighted in psychiatric services report
The investigation was prompted by public concern following several serious events affecting the Waikato services last year.

How to show more empathy to your partner
OPINION: Kyle MacDonald talks through the tips to improve our ability to pay attention to a partner and express empathy for their concerns.