Heat exhaustion: How can extreme temperatures turn deadly?
Dr Michael Mosley reportedly died from heat exhaustion, a tragic reminder of its dangers.
Dr Michael Mosley reportedly died from heat exhaustion, a tragic reminder of its dangers.
Jacky Sinclair-Phillips was wrongly told she only had days to live after a misdiagnosis.
Do you know what's in the cold & flu medicines now available again without a prescription?
New York Times: A few simple workouts can help to keep your skeleton strong.
Feel like you're neither an introvert or extrovert? There's a word for that.
Michael Mosley was one of many self-experimenting medical pioneers.
Telegraph: Many people with ADHD often have sleep difficulties.
It's one of the cost-saving measures Health NZ is using to make $105m in cutbacks.
In 2020, 472 people made claims for rongoā healing. In 2023, 6103 did.
New York Times: Experts at three major US medical centres report on their progress.
OPINION: 'The Government would be wise to stop prioritising potholes.'
The nurse caused staff at a care facility to question whether they should be vaccinated.
'Everyday tasks like dressing, showering, and walking have become challenging.'
A new poll has shown no great affection for the Budget.
Deadly virus could be an increasing threat to NZ because of climate change.
Drugs ruled Chris Slater during his 20s. Five years later he ran across the Sahara.
Even young, healthy people experienced significant changes to their vitals.
OPINION: Medical centres around NZ are on the verge of collapse - so what can we do?
OPINION: Stripping some workers of sick leave would be a slap in the face.
Whether you see the glass as half-full or half-empty affects your overall health.
The post-menopausal woman had been bleeding on and off for five years.
She broke the heartbreaking news to her two sons and was considering an assisted death.
Dr Kimiora Henare's research is addressing the Māori cancer workforce.
Interested in quick exercise and healthy ageing? Consider this workout.
What damage does it do? And are there any upsides?
Māori and Pasifika wāhine are more likely to develop breast cancer than non-Māori.
OPINION: The Pharmac model has done irreparable damage.
The proposed rules come after years of tension centred on high c-section rates.
Budget 2024 did not deliver the much-promised funding for 13 new cancer drugs.