Residents outraged at drivers tearing up grounds at Kerikeri Basin Recreation Reserve
Vandals have been tearing up the grounds at a Northland heritage spot, concerning locals.
Vandals have been tearing up the grounds at a Northland heritage spot, concerning locals.
Mark Montgomery was a firefighter for the Maungakaramea Fire Station and a family man
The Taniwha blew the Mako away in the wet in Whangārei.
Judge shared her admiration for the students’ dedication and growth.
Michael Badham claims many flaws are in the advice used to inform the closure decision.
The couple say a heavy burden has been lifted off their shoulders after a successful hui.
Government proposal to allow two Northland councils to adopt 3-year plans draws criticism.
Could you be one of the three lucky Lotto winners in Northland?
The relief teacher shortage has been highlighted in a new survey.
The Whangārei District Council's appealing against $6.1m in costs for a contractor.
Across the entire North Island, liable parents owe $596m.
'It's like the help has been ripped out from underneath our feet'.
A Whangārei GP says he's seen a spike in influenza cases over the last few weeks.
From poisoning gum trees in Kerikeri to pōhutukawa in Kaipara; why do people kill trees?
Opposition is mounting against triple and double-storey Kāinga Ora homes in Kensington.
Passersby were surprised to see a helicopter helping to remove mangroves for the marina.
The TV series, Far North, has already been sold to audiences around the world.
Both the women and men lost to their Trans-Tasman rivals in Whangārei last night.
Far North land occupation over pōhutukawa felling ends after two years.
One AE provider wants to see a more individualised approach for students.
The new Whangārei-Kaipara area commander settles in.
News snippets from the Far North.
Northland's wandering dog problem apparently continues to cost kiwi lives.
Whangārei Stop Co-Governance meeting greeted by big protest that delayed start.
Police earlier stopped the meeting from going ahead due to safety concerns.
The man thought to be responsible believed he was doing the right thing, DoC says.
Is there a place for generative AI such as ChatGPT? And what becomes of te reo Māori?
Whangārei to jointly contest ruling that councils won't get compensation for assets.
More than 5000 trees set to be planted across the region under special initiatives.
'You’ve got to hustle to make sure you’re relevant.'