'He'd rather go with Sandy': 95yo who lost 'best mate' in dog attack flooded with support
Jim Morgan's fox terrier cross, Sandy, put down on Monday due to severity of leg injuries.
Jim Morgan's fox terrier cross, Sandy, put down on Monday due to severity of leg injuries.
The mako attack wasn't the Kerikeri man's first encounter with a shark that day.
Jim Morgan's dog was attacked by six dogs while the pair were walking in Kaikohe.
Jim Morgan, an ex-serviceman, is virtually blind and Sandy was his companion.
Watch: 'I felt a squeeze on my knee. I look down and his jaws were around my knee.'
95-year-old Northland man has to have pet's leg amputated after attack by six dogs
The attack hasn't made the Kerikeri man more wary of being in the water.
The Kerikeri man was spearfishing when the shark "came out of nowhere".
From January 14 plastics numbered 3-7 will not be accepted at Far North recycling stations
Hall Rd residents fear for children's safety on narrow road with no footpaths
Thousands of parents bring children to MenW vaccination stations in Northland.
At least four pohutukawa at Opito Bay had holes drilled in their roots for poison
Northland doctors and emergency departments are on alert for meningococcal disease
Jan Burch cycled 5500km across the US without trouble - then she came to Northland.
Foreign national charged over serious SH10 crash.
None of the six Auckland cases were related to camps on Motutapu Island.
'I thought I was a monster and I wasn't cut out to have children.'
'Having these sailors come is like having Michael Schumacher do a lap or two.'
Te Rā, the only Māori sail still known to exist, is stored at the British Museum in London
Northland's high number of meningococcus deaths leads to health authority's warning.
Lake Waingaro normally supplies about 70 per cent of water for Kerikeri's town supply.
Fake news claims 67yo woman assaulted in Northland supermarket carpark
Teen remembered as cheeky, generous, caring, and a prolific dispenser of random hugs.
The offending driver fled the scene but handed himself in the next morning.
Principal says staff will be at the school today to 'offer all the support we can'.
Meningococcal disease confirmed as cause of teen's death.
Weather forecast points to a slow, challenging slog up Northland's coast on Friday.
Some Northlanders are paying Auckland prices for petrol even without a 10c per litre tax.
Two 17-year-olds, from Mangamuka and Rahiri, have been charged with aggravated robbery
Village plans to buy up to 42 properties in three neighbouring streets